Commission for Bunti <3

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Thank You Vincent Kurt!! They don't have a twitter so I'll just be the one to upload it here~

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Did this as a warmup earlier todaaaay— with my comic and Muted! 2 magics,,
Gave Freya an indigo bunting familiar, and made Camille’s wereform match Toben ✨

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Why do they say ghosts are cold? Mine are warm, a breath dampening your cheek, a voice when you thought you were alone.

Julie Buntin

🎨Ava Vongoth

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snow bunting doodle c:

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turned my old witchsona eileen into an owl house sona!
her palisman is an indigo bunting named hoshi :)

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Baby, baby bunting
Daddy's gone a-hunting
To get a little rabbit's skin
To wrap his Baby Bunting in

I never gave this nursery rhyme any thought until I saw this image. Now it haunts me.

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Sick like a fox! Meanwhile, Teddy Boy Bunting is sick like a fux. A fux in a Tucks brand medicated pad.

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hi there! today I wanna share my of That gorgeous colorful is native to the U.S. and Mexico. This is the second I've painted, how do you find it?⁠
Stay safe💙💛 and happy Sunday!⁠

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Indigo bunting and fruit bat couple

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It appears that a pesky crow has made off with all the bunting

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Wishing ewe all a fun and festive Jubilee Weekend!

Get the bunting up and raise a glass of Gin and Dubonnet to Her Majesty The Queen! 👑

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