So far, his tiny baby hands still can't use the molder properly so he can't make a perfect snow duckie yet. Anyway, he looks like he's enjoying himself so that's fine...

🐙🍑fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

91 172

The baby says stream~ ♪

🐙🍑fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

79 168

Tako 2020 heheh

🐙🍑 fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

72 154

There were many bad days, but lets always celebrate the good ones! One of the best days for me in 2019 is when Tako was born. Thank you so much guys for loving our baby octopoo! More of his cuteness in 2020!

fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

69 129

Tamago nigiri Tako~🍣
🐙🍑 fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

36 97

Don't forget to kiss the one you love under the mistletoe~!
fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

64 140

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S~

fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

108 184

*In Yixing's voice*: Cheezubol?

🐙🍑 fanart (Don't repost anywhere)

43 119

My love for sushi and this baby~ 🐙🍑

34 73