Gn, here's a smol sketch of Swapouter Papyrus I made on the backburner :)

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Another one of my old OCs currently on the backburner.

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anyways i'm on crunch time for lost time this month because of deadlines, so everything else is on backburner until then! wish me luck. 🥴

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Crea and Kam are still around.
They're just a bit on the backburner rn.
Multiple reasons. In Crea's case, they were developing a really uh... uncomfortable fan base for a bit, and I no longer felt comfortable posting them as I developed them.

For Kam? Just burn out.

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Thx for the boost!
I'm Issy, I'm a magic froggy girl! 🐸🌟
I'm transfem, my pronouns are she/her

My streams are kind of on the backburner atm, but I'm a chill variety streamer mostly
So many cuties in this thread,,,, 😳💙

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I showed this off in June last year when everyone was expressing their desire for a saber tooth. It's been on the backburner since, but I'm looking back at it now and seeing some glaring design flaws. I'll be making edits and adjustments later tonight.

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varmint. they never gave the nature of their sexuality or gender too much thought and worry enough to put that on the backburner. in their lowest moments, they do video poker & cry violently when they think of a parallel between the literal and figurative hand they've been dealt

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God I love her so MUCH
She's everything I hoped for <3

Had this puppy on the backburner while I finish some thangs up!

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In two days I'll be unveiling a new Sonic project I've had on the backburner for awhile and now am finally doing it

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way more on the backburner

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Leap the Iguana is a character I had sitting on the backburner for well over a decade before I randomly decided to give him an overhaul and grew a huge attachment to. To the point that I'm trying to make a completely original story and universe for him, separate from Sonic stuff.

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Schedule for this week!
Gonna be doing the weekly aisec stream, to then do more funny doodles.
On Saturday I'll be playing bit trip runner, a game that was in my backburner for a long time.
And on Sunday I'll be talking about funny twitter accounts!

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Lindsay Backburner

A witch in training and daughter of one of the last remaining dragons in the world, Gumas

-Trans! And gay!
-Dating Tulip
-Half British and Half Filipino
-Can turn into a dragon herself but I've never done a color drawing of that before oops

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I knew I had this in the backburner. This was made was back before 2020 while I was still fresh with Photoshop. You can see my amateur moment everywhere including Yazand's arm for example.

Here's a wallpaper of mecha villains which include Galvatron and Brave villains and more.

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im marcel, 22 and really trying to make an effort to draw again after years of putting it on the backburner ;w;

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Now is the time to introduce another backburner OC. Cooper. Not much to say about him other than the fact that his loud boasting puts Thor to shame.

He's a peepaw with attitude who has a knack for hunting down immortal species in order to study immortality.

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Dunno lads might leave this one on the backburner for a bit
I hate colouring so much it’s so hard

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✨Comms are still open✨

I have a $2700 car repair bill💦
And I’d appreciate being able to eat out/have some help affording groceries
And I also have dream buys on the backburner

Prices in carrd (link below)

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sssooooo. this chara has been in the backburner of my brain for a bit, mostly because idk what to do with her except that shes. evil- sakdmalsdlsmd

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Hyona FF14
This has been in my backburner for weeks that Hyonners already change her character equipment so yeahh...

𝑨̷𝒍̷𝒔̷𝒐̷.̷.̷ ̷𝒉̷𝒆̷𝒉̷𝒆̷.̷.̷ ̷𝒇̷𝒍̷𝒐̷𝒐̷𝒓̷ ̷𝒕̷𝒂̷𝒏̷𝒌̷𝒊̷𝒏̷𝒈̷~̷

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