finished up my druid girl! Morgan Cresthill, tiny teenage human druid out for adventures in Barovia. Praying every session that she doesn't die to vampire shenanigans.

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my current - Morgan Cresthill the teenage human druid and her loyal magpie Pixie. She set out from the family farm looking for adventure and has ended up in Barovia. But she's gonna help as many people as she can while she's there!

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[#DnD] In our latest Strahd session our Warlock tried to open a sarcophagus with Mage Hand and hid behind our Barbarian’s legs, coz we totally know better than to open a coffin in Barovia...

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two summers ago, some friends and i began our journey in barovia. and tmrw may be our last session of the campaign?!

so for fun, here’s a side-by-side of the first paint i did of my warlock in 2018, vs my most recent paint of him from today :)

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Pixel Art of Krag'mar from the Curse of strahd dnd streams. If youre interested in learning more about him.

We stream Saturdays 630PM EST. Come meet Krag'mar and the band of bumbling doofuses trying to survive in Barovia.

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a addition-to-their-party commission for ! still roaming the horrors of barovia, and now with an arch-fey warlock added to their team (hmm...arch fey warlock in barovia...i wonder why i'm already attached to this character...mysterious 🤔)

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I sat down, listened to some Octopath on loop, and finally came out with Vira, the Rogue/Wizard duelist who's already completely done with Barovia. My addiction to using the SAI marker tool continues.

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here lies edith brigmore: turned to dust in barovia. last words: “finally.”

briggs was so much fun to explore and play and she will always have a special place in my heart. thank you so much to cyn who truly went off with this beautiful character illustration!!

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the silver life of eldath, Dromar of clan Obzedat. Another fight in the woods of Barovia. Worn down. Angry. Desperate.

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Moon Moon gonna look so cute now that Strahd is totally dead and not coming back and she can leave Barovia. Also I inked her dice which was a pain in the ass. ✨🌖🐺

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The Natural Ones reunite in a foreign valley, in the Balinok mountains of Barovia...

You guessed it, we're going to be running CURSE OF STRAHD!

Join us 5/8 pm PST/EDT Wednesday to see the existential dread this is sure to ensue with the lovable gang!

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New (and somewhat improved hopefully) Raphina Phalangepot: The Bleeding Heart! Just to be clear, there's nothing violent going on, this is part of a WIP about the characters' origins and how they came to Barovia. I promise I'm not hurting !

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I don't have any "new" art to share at the moment, but have these extremely gratuitous and self-indulgent wedding outfits I did for Percy and Zelfine. 🍩💖🍵 It makes me happy to pretend she's not just gonna die horribly in Barovia.

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The lads are in Barovia.. Phin lost an arm but gained a baby (temporarily)

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i think that's because at least in my own life i deal with feeling helpless to the many depressing problems in my own mind and world. i wanted to make a place where small acts of kindness add up to a monstrous wave of hope. the effort to be kind is rewarded in my barovia.

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Tonight at 7PM PDT/10PM EDT, is the Comedy of Strahd. Join DM along with players , , , and as they leave the Village of Barovia. Link Below:

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Who needs a long rest?! I've still got hit dice! Next started--ft. Sífe, a bestial from

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