'Let us sing a song to thee, Oh my sweet honeybee' 🎶 (lyrics from fave Mountain Man song 'Honeybee' 💕) I happen to have read three books on the subject of bees and their beekeepers over the last couple of years 'The Bees' by Laline Paull, 'The Histor… https://t.co/lZCw0DSDKg

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The Christian martyr St.Valentine died on this day in 269AD. As well as being the patron saint of affianfed & married couples, he should be prayed to by beekeepers, & sufferers of fainting and epilepsy. Here’s Bassano’s St.Valentine Baptisting St.Lucilla (1510/15)

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In Slovenia, St. Valentine (Zdravko) was the saint of spring, good health, & patron of 🐝🌷
A proverb said, "St. Valentine brings the keys of roots". Plants & flowers began to grow on this day, & work began in vineyards & fields. 💘

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Beekeeping back through time ~ start with Bruegel’s ghostly 16C Beekeepers / go back another 2,000 years to ancient Greeks (photo, PP Geoffrion) / then back a further 5,500 years to man hanging onto vines to get honey from hives (Spider Caves, Valencia)

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Jetpack Beekeepers versus mutant orcas.

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BEEKEEPERS have long believed that care should be taken not to upset or to offend a colony. It is said that bees will not remain with a ill-tempered keeper ... so it is considered extremely bad luck to argue or curse within earshot of hives 🐝

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The Bomble Bees of Oxford are out and about spreading the word (across the realms) about the Oxford Trollomicus guidebook ! https://t.co/BMkwUsMG4n

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"On we want to celebrate the Guide d'Espoir beekeepers in Cameroon who source the beeswax used in our products in a sustainable + cruelty-free way, ensuring bee communities are carefuly managed to keep them thriving 🐝

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"Wild Carrot Sundown" Acrylic on Aluminium by Kathrine Geoghegan in Kilcock Gallery.Plant featured is Wild Carrot. Opening on 14th April by Philip McCabe President International Beekeepers Association.

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"...the bee loud glade" Kathrine Geoghegan paintings relating to the plants bees love and the decline in their population 14th April, opening by Philip McCabe. International Federation of Beekeepers Assoc.

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BeeBuzz is a multiplayer competition. A group of beekeepers come together to laugh, have fun, and collect bees. Coming Soon.

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The Chef - paintings in support of British Beekeepers Association on show

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