Avant l'arrivée demain de Touhou: Lotus Eaters' Sobering, avez-vous suivi les sept tomes de Forbidden Scrollery ? ⛩️

La librairie Suzunaan laisse place à l'auberge Geidontei !

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artist! ada yang tau ga biar gambarnya ngga bergerigi gimana? btw, sender pake ibis!

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Sudah 22 hari Di bulan Maret ini Maria dan Keluarga dipelihara, Di jaga, Dilindungi, Disertai, Diberkati , Masih bernafas, Sehat, Kuat, ada sebagaimana ada, masih hidup, masih bergerak melakukan Aktivitas dan Kegiatan kami, masih ada sampai sekarang, Ya Tuhan Yesus Terima kasih

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Belum terlambat untuk Arto ucapkan Selamat Hari Polis ke-216 yang disambut semalam.

Semoga sahabat-sahabat Arto yang bergelar polis terus menjalankan tugas yang digalas dengan penuh dedikasi dan amanah 👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♀️🚓

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Hu ha aghu masih idupp, tp akunnya sepi bgt kek kuburan 😔

Blom ad yg bs di post ueue masi bergelud sm komis

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Iron Berger : t'es le copain sympa, un peu random avec qui on rigole toujours beaucoup, toujours de bonne volonté mais un peu shlag (pitié prends une douche)

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Chibi raffle prize for the fabulous @//leanonberger ~!
I wish I could hide in my tail sometimes!😭❤️


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Arthur C Clarke died on this day, so here are some of his covers (artist: Gerard Quinn, Richard Powers, Richard Powers and Earle Bergey). The 2nd image is the artwork for Powers' cover for Childhood's End:

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Just a little sample of concept sketches for BURNAWAY!

Our centers around loss and hope as mercenary ghosthunter/firefighters struggle against Embergeists, ghosts so tormented they burn with spectral fire that ruins structures and lives alike.

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A few more finished pieces from BURNAWAY!

Our centers around loss and hope as mercenary ghosthunter/firefighters struggle against Embergeists, ghosts so tormented they burn with spectral fire that ruins structures and lives alike.

Follow us for more!

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Esta centro vertebral, que puede no parecer demasiado, es parte de un conjunto de vértebras aisladas y otros restos fragmentarios encontrados en rocas triásicas de la isla ártica de Spitsbergen (Noruega).

Estos elementos pertenecen a un ictiopterigio (arte de Esther van Hulsen)

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Happy birthday Flamberge, I did not get you a birthday present instead I lit myself on fire, definitely related…

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Je vous présente Arnaud Caille-Aux-Berges

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First Oc.


She’s too pink and she loves Feberge eggs!

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Hey gang...many years ago, I pitched a series idea to about the adventures of the original Blue Beetle and was told, "No one cares about stuff that happened in the '40s." That was less than a year before said yes to SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE.

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Guckt euch mal diese super schöne Zeichnung an ♥ Ich finde den Zeichenstil und den Farbverlauf unglaublich schön >///<
Die Zeichnung kommt von vielen lieben dank, ich lieb's wirklich total

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is it just me, or did they make Flamberge's dress-up mask in Return to Dream Land Deluxe a lot less melanated than she was in Kirby Star Allies 🤨

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Alors que la librairie Suzunaan vient juste de fermer ses portes, les terres illusoires vous invitent très bientôt à découvrir l'auberge Geidontei ! 🌛

Les phénomènes surnaturels se succèdent dans Lotus Eaters' Sobering 👻

Extrait ➡️ https://t.co/AbTIarTIkp

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Badan panas dingin, kepala pusing, nafas terasa berat, berbicara terbata-bata, pandangan buram, wajah terasa panas, seluruh tubuh bergemetar, hati berdegup kencang, batin terguncang, mulut ingin teriak, mata melihat dengan rasa cinta emosi yang bercampuran, tangan yang ingin me

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