This is wild!!! Over 40 Bitbones sold in the past hour 💀☠️💀 Lots of secondary sales as well!

At this rate they'll be sold out by morning!!! Get em while you can!

6 18

Bitbone's are flying!!! Thanks so much to all the new collectors for collecting Bitbones!

The army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

Almost 70% sold now!!! Get em while you can.

13 50

Thank you to all the new Bitbone collectors for picking up so many awesome Bitbones today!!!

Welcome to the skeleton army! 💀☠️💀

The army's growing fast! Make sure to snag one before they're SOLD OUT!

7 19

5 more SOLD! Thank you to all the new collectors, and welcome to the skeleton army! 💀☠️💀

657/1000 have now been collected.

Time's running out to pick up floor priced Bitbones ⏰

2 15

Big thank you to all the new collectors!

Woke up to see that 17 Bitbones have been SOLD!

The army grows stronger💀☠️💀

8 29

Big thank you to the new collectors that picked up these awesome Bitbones!

Welcome to the skeleton army!!! 💀☠️💀

3 28

60% of all Bitbones have now been SOLD!

Come join the skeleton army!

5 24

Thank you CryptoCloudtv and for picking up these awesome Bitbones!!!

Welcome to the skeleton army! 💀☠️💀

4 21

Lots of Bitbones being scooped up. Thank you to all the new Bitbone collectors!!!

Welcome to the skeleton army! 💀☠️💀

6 26

Thank you and users _clairv0yantee, tUAS, and BennyNox for picking up these awesome Bitbones!!!

The army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

1 7

Thank you users "Tys_0n" and "ComputerCrypto" for pickup up these awesome Bitbones!

Welcome to the skeleton army!!! 💀☠️💀

2 14

Thank you for picking up these two awesome Bitbones!!!

The skeleton army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

4 11

Thank you for picking up these awesome Bitbones!!!

The army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

3 19

Wanna win a Bitbones hoodie?!?!

To be eligibile you must
💀 Like and retweet
☠️ Follow me
💀 tag a friend!

3 winners will be picked in 24 hours!!!

62 93

Daaaaaaaaaang user "xGg" in a roll tonight!

They just picked up the Bitbone Mermaid rare, some more uncommons, and other awesome Bitbones!!!

We need to make this collector a General in the Bitbone army!!! 💀☠️💀

5 27

Thank you user "xGg" for picking up 11 awesome Bitbones!!!

Welcome to the skeleton army!💀☠️💀

3 21

Thank you and for picking up these awesome Bitbones!!!

The skeleton army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

3 15

Thank you and user "CLLCTR" for picking up these awesome Bitbones!

The army grows stronger by the day! 💀☠️💀

6 20