画質 高画質

Changes in Perception of Artists on KOR Server.
little cutie➡️little insolent
"Hey Granny(Bard)! You don't have any Purify skills? ohh~ Paladin? this bonfire? lol Boomer~"

3 13

Hey Boomers! It's the last day to get your tickets for Sonic the Comic Con 2023! What are you waiting for? You can support and grab cool swag even if you can't make it in person. I hear they even have some cool IDW peeps video-calling in!... https://t.co/3iI2TWtSSk

28 65

gm boomers!
You know that all our nfts include a full body and a pfp? that's because our boomers are characters! they have names, biographies and stories to live in comics!

join our discord to know more about them!

4 22


10 40

Shoutout to for all they do and keep on doing, a project that keeps on giving💯 🥇 NFT project on Cronos in my opinion the whole TEAM is super humble, helpful and great at what they do… Blessings to the whole Boomer Squad 🚀🌕💯

23 49

Do you believe in UFUs? 🛸👾

Unexpected Fun Use for your boomers! 👀
More info... soon!

Hold your boomers, boomers! 💎

8 21

Man I wanna voice an enemy in a boomershooter so bad

0 9

Boomers, have you tried trait dApp? they are building big things for the community and they've integrated our boomers into their Cheap thoughts test mint! easy and smooth! you can add bubbles to your fav boomers!

Thanks 🤘😆🤘

10 23

You know boomers will have their own comic stories?
✔️co-created with community
✔️benefits for holders
✔️first steps will begin soon!

Boomers moving forward slowly, taking moments to catch a breath but, like zombies, boomers won't stop!

7 12

Levels of WAGMI

Hold 3/3 - You already made it
Hold 2/3 - You are a legend
Hold 1/3 - YAGMI

Heard of all 3 - got a chance
Haven’t heard of all 3 - NGMI

*these are floor images, not owned by OKBoomer

4 18

Are you done flipping? Maybe you want to mint something and hold it for a change?🫣

Maybe you get lucky and get this young Herb 1:1! 💎🙌🏻

7 19

Ok but I absolutely love how Birdie and Boomer look in this hee hee hee

2 41

Beetle Bros.

(Ñ: por favor, dime que si entendieron la referencia.
🇺🇲: Please, tell me y'all got the reference)

50 138

쓰고싶으면 !!!
if you want to use the selfies you can! idk how to do green screen edits bc im boomer

2 10

You won't need a passport to be welcomed at Boomerville! all you'll need is PoB

Show us your Proof of Boomer and our doors we'll be open for you!

flip-up glasses? ✅PoB
belt phone clip? ✅PoB
baseball cap backward? ✅PoB
And the list goes on...

8 33

Update Boomeranger&Gunslinger

3 13


『 당신의 그림자를 그만두었을 때 』

🖊️: Rana 작가님
✒️: 봉이 작가님
🎨: 유성 작가님 (same artist as “The Boomerang Duke”)
📚: 로판 (Romance Fantasy)
🏠: 제이플미디어

⭒webnovel: https://t.co/7yWlCht8HC

⋆ webtoon: https://t.co/bZr8K8Krjt

35 133