I think if I got rejected to an EM zine (ayee lmk if this exists btw) I would be so butthurt there’s no hiding it hahah https://t.co/dNYaBlBFKo

21 167

Free bad art! Drop them PNGs

🌟Don't be a dick
🌟Post as many as you want, as long as it's your OC
🌟I may not draw yours, don't be butthurt if I don't
🌟It's gonna be bad
🌟No revisions
🌟This is all in good fun
🌟RT so others can join the fun

3 6

They are either jealous, butthurt or just upset. Don’t worry to much about them!

0 7

eri butthurt about anatomy and art quality but clenches fists and tries to practice from barbie doll

the willpower

1 116

I don’t know anything about this show other than that this girl says sus. and people being butthurt about racism or something or other.

0 4

sometimes im still butthurted that people talk shit about me on the Internet

0 0

The Average Parody account who prefer making friends than being butthurt about tournaments

6 16

remember me butthurting about ppl mistaking my childe for diluc... id did some reflection and i get it now....
i haven't looked at the in game refs for so long i forgot that tart looks like he been rolling in dirt for hours

183 2786

And I think it's cuter you think you can drag your puerile, patronizing ass into my mentions and try to fuck with me. if you got butthurt because someone didn't like a film you liked (Consumption as identity) you "Ibviously" don't know shit subjective experience & film.

0 1

I edited a bunch of FFT character art together to make a custom Job Class: Princess Knight.
I’m sure I coulda done one from scratch, but I figured I’m just having fun, not monetizing it, and not claiming it as original so who cares
If you are butthurt though...🤷🏼‍♀️
Sucks to be you

11 59

LMAO someone's butthurt over being told it's not okay.

"My PoRn ComES BeFoRe ReSpeCT fOr aNyONe, GeT oFF mY BaCk It'S OnLy 5 PhOtOs"

0 32

Why did Americans get all butthurt over Americans making a game set in Japan (which got heavily positive reviews in Japan) but not about Japanese making games set in the United States?

2 33

valentines day ych! all the ones i completed. eventful day, my hand hurts. I also exist in a never ending spiral of "im not ready for any romance but i sure am butthurt i dont have a valentine" today so thats fun. Back to Harry Potter.

1 7

Twitter where butthurt and outrage meet to create a new form if rage.

I continue to call it. Offendrage

People pretend to be outraged online but in reality they couldn't care less.

Its fun to bandwagon on things to be a part of things. But it's actually not fun. Its boring.

9 235

Nah, the disproportion amount of butthurt emanating from you is very telling. Are you perhaps trying to overcompensate for something you feel really guilty for?

0 0

So, This was one my my very first RM. Solar Man. he is also a point of sadness for me. If you've created a RM before I'm sure you've felt it is original. when Mega man 10 came out I was butthurt, since then I've realized so many people have great common ideas.

8 43

People get butthurt when they lose elections and blame libertarians unless they win instead of looking to themselves as the culprit

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