anton barely manages a "bring... her... back..."

31 194

My first bit of fanart for the new year for the ever amazing rpg. The episode was amazing and this moment was too beautiful not to try and capture. I hope making Sal a gorilla and Oniko a shiba inu is cool.

9 47

I'm a trash person with no time management skills, so please have some very late "Happy Hanukkah" Hope you and Lacy and your organic and robotic families have had a good holiday! 💜

4 28

Doing some art for a bit. Here's Cas.

2 23

rows and rows of the containers giving off a strange glow and bouncing off a spooky fog. A lone figure stands before you " Im pleased to see you"

2 13

Finally, ’s Luma.
Imma be honest: I don’t wear makeup, so I legit had no idea what I was doing. I feel like I might have done too much, so I actually like the original sketch a bit better.
I’m a bit a perfectionist though, so maybe it’s not so bad! 7/8

3 29

’s Oya next!
The right side eye (left eye?) seemed to wander across the face, so I photoshop it back to were it should-ish be. 5/8

0 15

Next: ’s Hopps!
The eyes were a bit intense before I coloured them. Now they look much more soft and kind, just like Bonnie! 4/8

0 15

I did ’s Cass first.
(I’ll be posting the original sketch, the cleaned up scan, and the final coloured picture for all of the portraits btw)
I was re-learning how to use pencil crayons with this one! 2/8

0 15

From episode 8. I made the pinata girl a little younger and it's not 'technically' a scene in the episode but I really wanted to draw it. Apologies to Sam for failing to properly draw their ride. is over at 's Twitch n stuff. Go check it out

13 101

"And it was like Kylan was never there"

This scene made me tear up!

5 32

And done. makes the best characters so Luma was kinda a no-brainer to draw. Then I felt bad and added everyone (because they too are cool!). Would tag everyone but that still feels weird.

is over at 's Twitch n stuff.

12 55

Was inspired today to do but with a twist. What do the corporates & elites look like? I love the idea of purely cosmetic cybernetics. The future is weird!

4 33