I hope tomorrow's furniture will be involved around puffle furniture and the theme of red and pink for the holiday with a little causality.

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Felis Chapter 1: THE REBIRTH

Causality 1-52: October 29th, 1929: A young upstart lawyer called Prefect, attempts to resurrect his failing career as an attorney in New York State by taking on an alleged crime lord in the supreme court.

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The Unsaint Veronica Honduras Vardarajan was born twice; first, on Earth, in a hothouse, destined for a stew, and second, when The Unkindly passed by said hothouse and their Causality Drive malfunctioned.

Life has many layers. So does birth. Allium Pah, friendo.


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"Infinite Tea" Part 1 is LIVE!
https://t.co/Ehl29yyxk9 or where you get

We raid the Birchfield Lost & Found, have an unnerving dinner w/ Marric's crime-boss mom, & meet a very disgruntled unicorn on a train. Plus we spin the Wheel of Causality!

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I'm Caio, currently working on concept art for games.
I've recently done work for Retrocausality, a time-travelling TTRPG at https://t.co/QrV5Vwtz9x
I'm also creating my own JRPG-inspired setting for D&D 5e, Mistsong!

💻 https://t.co/RRWIqvNpsb

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Trauma really fucks with your understanding of causality. Poor Laura.

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Retrocausality é um RPG de mesa sobre viagem no tempo e toda a baderna envolvida quando você brinca demais com a fábrica da realidade.
Aqui estão algumas das artes que fiz pro jogo:


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And now, a jump into the future of a non-canon timeline, probably spawned by all that causality warping.
I'd like to thank my hundred followers, and yes, there will be something when I reach 144.
A big thank you to too, for being so welcoming!

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If Ultimate Tenkaichi is where Create-a-Characters began, I suppose I owe it to causality to draw 's lovely *cough* creation, YAMYAMM.

PS Im very lonely here in the Dragon Ball Fusions filler character fandom, someone pls come say hi. :cc

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New article: Artificial Causality Phenomenon Weapon


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宇宙飛行士を無事にゴールまで導こう(`・ω・´) https://t.co/K7xKF0ZKzg

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【club https://t.co/GZ8RQenJLb】the LOTUSのニューシングル『愛されたくて』、1stミニアルバム『causality』好評販売中!1stアルバムにはレイのレギュラー番組“君に幸あれ!” 「天使の涙」のコーナーテーマ曲も収録されています♪

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1stミニアルバム「causality」2/13(月)18時より【clubZy. SHOP】にて購入出来るようになりました。
¥2,700 (Tax in)


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SCP-1968 - Global Retrocausality Torus (世界を包む逆因果の円環)
© Requitefahrenheit https://t.co/29Ua88fjhO

6 30

Are biologists overlooking explanations of causality? Karmon & Pilpel suggest so https://t.co/I0uYrzj5w3

21 29

Had a cheeky play of ' Causality and it's shaping up real nicely, so slick! - http://t.co/6GvEGhGnQS

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