Since the UWO fandom is active again I think it's the best time to show my 2021 drawings I never shared here.

7 52

i wanted to show our eugene that the world is a great place
(not sure if this is the right line so correct if im wrong thank youu)

19 101

Friggin, loved the first version and now thish sequel came and it is friggin too good <33
Characters are too good and literal rollecoaster of emotions qwq eqhwoehqw

So me decided to make smol doodles of some of the characters :p

8 70

It’s a bird! | shatpost
I always imagine Hayden and Charlie hanging out when they’re free XD

6 44

What does this "thank you" mean?
Just gratitude or as a farewell?. . . If it's the second, then it's so sad. . .

6 37

sksk why yes here I come again ✂️🕶 effortless bg ‘cause I have no idea XD

11 54

I decided to draw art in the anime style of 2005-2007. And I think it turned out very well💓💓

14 70