So I was feeling really heavy & low in spirits today, what with all the Evil goings-on in the free world just now. So I started sketching, hoping to cheer myself up a bit, maybe try for a smile.
It worked, so I'm sharing it. I hope it does the same for you.

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OK, I'm a little late, since The Year of the Rat began yesterday, but I figure we have plenty of days left in 2020 to be happy.
Happy Chinese New Year!

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Well, how about that! It's !
I came across this shy fella while wandering through a dark-ish, mysterious wood just last year. Like many cats I've known, he hid from me but forgot to pull his tail in with the rest of him.

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OK, so this is my last doodle of 2019: a ... Hamster. Of Hope. I have no idea where this came from. But Hoping for peace, kindness, gentleness, and love seems like a great way to usher in the New Year. Hugs for everyone!

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Happy weekend and Happy Holidays, Wishing everyone comfort, joy, and good times ahead.

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Got a couple of new digital brushes this week and was so inspired I did two pieces using for Both are rough-ish, but I like them. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

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Nothing as delightful as an exhilarating "Swing" on a crisp Autumn day, right?

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