never play clangen worst mistake of my life

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drew the leader and deputy of my new clangen clan!! (...even tho darkskip died like 5 mins after)

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Otterstream and his mate Oakaster going on a walk. Oakaster is the deputy of Swanclan and often makes time to go on walks with his mate.

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evil lesbian couple from clangen

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Cattember day 11: Wheat (featuring clangen warrior Goldnettle)

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Shellstar! I've already tweeted abt him a bit so instead i will merely mention how im addicted to Totino's Pizza Stuffers lol

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Flashfoot, the very first death Carnageclan experienced. I forgot how he died tbh LOL probably either by contagious disease or dog

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FINALLY let myself as a treat for doing uni work draw some clangen cats. i've been playing as stormclan 2 (first one got lost to file corruption) for like 2 weeks now, so here's old man bluestar and his wife fernleaf

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Dappleleaf, Carnageclan's first med cat. He was very strict-- not only did he refuse to take a mate or kits, but also insisted that Tulipeye never take another mate or have more kits.

After his death, the clan ended up ditching the 'no mate or kits' rule.

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Frondpelt, another med cat :D Her kits, Thistlefrost and Deadstripe, always visit her in the med den. She's also the one who was in charge of training Raggedfoot.

I also finally made a template for long-furred cats! So expect some more variety form these!

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Bluefoot! She's the 7th med cat in the clan, and similar to Tulipeye, Rowanstripe, Frondpelt, & Mudhaze-- brought her kits (Scorchkit and Birdkit) with her.

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say hello to wetfur, a cat from my clangen. he is my pathetic little scrunklo and he is trying his best

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one of my clangen cats echorump

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Braveleaf, Hootstar's mate & Fogpelt and Rattree's father. He was the Starclan cat who guided Hootstar, and was the first to greet him when he died.

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Emberpatch! Splashstar has appointed her as deputy despite her age-- mostly to give him more time to think about who should proceed him in leading Carnageclan. She has a lot of kids lol

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