I love the combaticons

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Thanks for tagging me! 😁I love Transformers, Combaticons being a fav.♥️ Here's some art I've done, and I'll tag...hmmm. (I'll include creative TF photos and cosplay as art, too, here:)

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thanks for tagging me! 😊💖
i'm Sura. i love drawing cartoony robots/AIs and alien robots! the things i post online are usually about Forte.exe Combaticons my ships, and fan AUs.

i'll tag (if any want to join in an art train)

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Thank you for the tag.<3✨
I'm yukinko(雪ん子). I like to draw Combaticons and G1TF and TFA swindle.
I tend to draw shipping and humanformers♀.💓


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For no apparent reason, Vortex did not appear alongside the other Combaticons in IDW Publishing's 2012-2014 "season 1" of the Robots in Disguise comic series.

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Transformers Class of 1986 - the Predacons! Razorclaw, Tantrum, Headstrong, Rampage!

Combaticons won the poll, but these guys were winning when I started drawing.

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the Combaticons feature Blastoff (a space shuttle) and Swindle (a 1980s military jeep). Here are the toys, and the cartoon robots, and a real scale comparison.

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- TFA Scavenger (co-designed with Cody Laine, colored by me)
- TFA Primal (designed by , colored by me)
- AU Combaticons! (Designed and colored by me, but heavily stylized by )

There are many custom characters made for my animations, but these are my favs.

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Daily bot - Blast Off
This guy is 1/4 of the reason I started this whole Daily Bot thing in the first place, and also like my 3rd favorite model too. Ironic, since he's my least favorite Combaticon by quite a bit.

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AU Combaticons by and I. These have been stuck in my head for a while, but I’ve never been able to develop them fully until I consulted her. I’m super happy with how they’ve turned out.

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Sounds fun! Thanks. I've been a fan since G1. I have an obsession with 😅You can find my TF art on my Twitter here or Deviant Art (Wolfwhiskers).

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According to unlockable concept art in the Revenge of the Fallen game, Combaticon Warrior was based on Generation 1 Onslaught.

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ℹ️ The 2nd season introduced many new characters, such as: The Dinobots, Omega Supreme, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, etc...Also 4 new Combiner bots: The Aerialbots, Protectobots, Stunticons and Combaticons. 2/2

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¿Ahora me vas a hacer comprar combaticons hasbro? Basta (?)

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I haven't drawn very many Transformers but I had fun the few times that I did! (mostly Combaticons --- my favorite Combaticon is Vortex so he got special treatment).

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And I *MUST* tag in this. HER 👏 WORK 👏 IS 👏 SO 👏GOOD 👏

Her True!SS's design, the Combaticon's mind-linking splash page, and gosh... my FAVORITE cover in the entire IDW run, how can all this talent fit in a human?! 💙💜💙💜💙

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Another cheer for Sara's work. As a Combaticon fan I feel lucky to have her work on TAAO, giving us some of the best Combaticon art I've seen. Her expressions, staging, her use of color, everything is amazing. Seriously spent hours looking at these.

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