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Preview de The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #2 (of 6) par Eric Trautmann (@mercuryeric), @KellySue DeConnick, @MikeSHenderson et Valentine De Landro (@val_delandro) chez @ImageComics #TheOldGuard https://t.co/i7kv9gYq7W
That Time Kelly Sue DeConnick Turned the White Savior Complex on its Ear and Nobody Noticed https://t.co/hJ5sWwFpbz
A looong time ago I posted this drawing of Captain Marvel and tagged Kelly Sue DeConnick with how hard I struggled with it. To this day I still remember her telling me ‘keep working and we’ll save you a spot’ and what that little nugget of support meant to me 🥺
It kind of annoys me when characters have a big Moment that changed their gear/appearance, and subsequent creative teams ignore it. There's a whole issue of GA building a new recurve bow, and Arthur put his armor back on by the end of DeConnick's run.
But look at them in JL:
New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ #comics this week for #NCBD (1/13/21)
#MarvelVerse #CaptainMarvel GN TPB
W-#KellySueDeConnick/#MargaretStohl,A-#TerryDodson/#MarcioTakara/#BrentSchoonover, cover by #JamieMcKelvie
#CarolDanvers #Kree #SpiderMan
Ok! So I think when it comes to Carol there are really two runs that are “Musts”, and that’s DeConnick and Thompson! DeConnick is a great starting point! But, the Thompson’s is my FAVORITE! Start with The Life of Captain Marvel and then it leads straight into her current run! https://t.co/XFiX2py9Yr
Preview de Aquaman #64 par @KellySue DeConnick, Miguel Mendonça (@Mikemaluk) et Romulo Fajardo Jr (@rfajardojr) chez @DCComics #Aquaman https://t.co/om6EzlazZa
⭐GUEST PROFILE⭐ Kelly Sue DeConnick (@kellysue) is an award winning writer and editor, whose work includes CAPTAIN MARVEL, PRETTY DEADLY and B***H PLANET. Kelly Sue currently writes AQUAMAN for DC, and develops television for Legendary TV as Milkfed Criminal Masterminds.
[🐺K: "Smile for the Camera!"]
I once again jump on any opportunity I get to draw my bebi - this time it is for a fun little collab for the #Conline20 / @Connichi Online! :)
I am excited to see all the portraits together as group "photo"!
#ConnichiKreativ #kuenstlerklassenfoto
🇩🇪 Hi ich bin die Tze und Teil des KreativMarktes von #Connichi Online!
🇬🇧 Hi I'm Tze and part of #ConLine20!
⭐Commissions/Ko-fi: https://t.co/pUkp6npDZ5
⭐Etsy shop: https://t.co/Pnb9IDOJI9
⭐Pokémon fan art: #PokeTeamDerp
⭐️Instagram: https://t.co/LGrWNudCt9
Normally, I’d be in Kassel now, celebrating #Connichi2020. But nothing’s normal this year so instead, I spent the weekend drawing at home - here’s my entry for #conlinematsuri @Connichi 😊
🇩🇪 Wingull sind auch dabei! Wäre toll, wenn das so voll wird wie ein Wimmelbild...😄
🇬🇧Wingull join the party! Let's fill this thing up!
#commissionsopen #Wingull #Alola #Pokemon #ConLine20
⭐️#Connichi Special!⭐️
🇩🇪 Spendiere☕ auf Ko-fi
2x☕: Du entscheidest welcher Pokémon zugefügt wird
6x☕: Bekomme der Print per Post
🇬🇧 Buy☕ on Ko-fi
2x☕: Request a Pokémon to be added
6x☕: Receive the print by post
#ConLine20 #KreativMarkt
#ConLineMatsuri Hier mein beitrag zum Wettbewerb <3 Ich vermisse cons dieses jahr sehr und besonders die Connichi >_< und deswegen hier etwas Matsuri flair #Connichi2020
Mein Beitrag für #ConLineMatsuri
Ich habe mit meinen Freunden viele lustige Momente auf der Connichi Matsuri erlebt, also warum nicht auch mal meine OCs daran teilhaben lassen ;D
#ConLine20 #Connichi2020
✨It's Connichi Online!✨
Have some pics of my booth to quench that con yearning.😂
🇩🇪Hier sind Fotos von meinem Stand damit man noch ein bissl Con-Feeling bekommt. XD
⭐️Shop: https://t.co/R7xdNx7NZ3
⭐️Commissions: https://t.co/rQ6tqxffen
#ConLine20 #Connichi
Next online con is up: #Connichi2020 this weekend!
🇩🇪 Die nächste online Con steht vor die Tür: #Connichi! Ich bin froh dabei zu sein.😊
KreativMarkt/Artist Alley:
Derpy Pokémon Commissions:
#PokeTeamDerpDerp #ConLine20
Hier ist meine Stream Schedule und Commission Info für die Connichi Online!
Wenn ihr an einem ConHon-Eintrag interessiert seid oder mit mir eine Runde @Nekochaya_game spielen wollt (Tabletop Simulator nötig!), schreibt mir gerne hier oder auf Discord!