‘MR GOD PIZZA-MAN’ Since the have been hampered people’s mood. We thought for the next two weeks we would bring u everyday art from project to cheer yr mood. Thanks for the final touch artwork https://t.co/NusnaK70Nf

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Help the elderly ❤️
This will and
Do their shopping BUT always stay 2 metres away & have them use gloves to carry shopping in & clean/disinfect new purchases

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Help the elderly ❤️
This will and
Do their shopping BUT always stay 2 metres away & have them use gloves to carry shopping in & clean/disinfect new purchases

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Tonight Simon, we are ants...

Stay safe, be strong, save lives

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A couple of recent mood paintings I'm particularly proud of that I did while stuck at home.

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Literally nothing:

Coronovirus & hantavirus:

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This Cornish chough is hunkered down and a little grumpy. Just like me! Welcome to

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Local Comic Shops are being killed by this pandemic. And they can't even get a single tweet from the people who make so much off comics?

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Dom McKenzie () created this logo for an online theatre club, formed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic...


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Can you all stop showing footage of utter dumbfecks telling others it's ok to go out and spread this horrible disease?

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Wondering how you can keep your internal & corporate going in this

Take a look at our insight pieces on how you can build quick and adaptable content for your business on the !


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