Kitty born today at Cryptokitties.


*waves*! I'm Kitty I want to live in a world where people believe the world is flat. My secret indulgence is salad. Let's pawty!

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New Cryptokitty born today with new cattribute bananacream, how cute.


Ciao! My name's Kitty I once peed on Confucius's cat. They had it coming. In my free time, I can usually be found annoying or summoning ghosts. Will you be the garlic butter to my soy sauce?

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One of today's new Cryptokitties.


Yo! I'm Kitty All you need to know about me is I hate salad with a passion. Some people say I'm the Ron Weasley of the group. We're so fur-tunate to have found each other!

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Cryptokitties the star of Cryptocollectibles, one of the World's first blockchain games.  I just love these kitty cats.

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Loving the new look Cryptokitties.   With new cattributes released today, babypuke, pumpkin, wonky and thundergrey.

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This is my 2nd Cryptokitty. 

Sup playa! I'm Kitty I enjoy tripping my owner, chasing string, and riding dirty. I was voted school jock in college. Let's pawty!

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I'm giving away free every day. All you have to do is like 8 of our . Instructions are on the website.

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Looking for a Pure Gold breed for siring? Check out my Gen 4 currently in the market... Yes! I play ;-D

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MEOW! Cats are coming to the Follow me and retweet this for a chance to win a unique Cryptokitty to build your cat empire! is the biggest smart contract game on Breed, collect and trade your kitties for $ETH. Crazy!

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