Which is the strongest Ape on CryptoTwitter

Bored Apes

Defi Apes

22 155

I am 100000% sure that defi ape is the strongest community on CryptoTwitter

Apes Together Strong 🦍 https://t.co/44bUdpjS0l

12 66

Think critically and question everything.

1️⃣ Follow
2️⃣ Like, RT & Tag Friends

2 5

has been good to me.
Time to return the favour.
I'll be giving away 10000 $XPR to one person

All you have to do is:
1. Follow
2. Like & Retweet this post
3. Drop your wallet in the comment

Winner will be picked on Febuary 14th.
Good luck!

47 51

Today's News:

- Advantages To Actual Neo Tokyo Meetings
- This Week In A Guide For the Curious
- WEN WL ?
- On
- DamonNeedsToCelebrate


6 21