Congrats, this is my Dæmonette, Vexthigh. She often dresses as a Commissar. Congrats on the follows :3

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RÆN [The Final Fight]
In the story of the DÆMON, this being returned to finish what it set out to do.
RÆN, this is its final fight. This is the fight which will decide the future of Project Æ.

Created in SAI2, finished on the 17th of July 2021.
Stay safe and healthy, thank you.

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"Like a coin, the deity had two faces; the poised, smiling gentleman and the grinning dæmon."

Almost seems like a Persona piece~

Thanks for allowing me to snag a commission spot a while back, . Definitely worth it for such a stellar piece!

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Karl Jacobs in the DreamSMP His Dark Materials AU, with his dæmon, Saga. Saga is a white-sided jackrabbit dæmon and she embodies Karl’s friendliness, easy-going nature, and his conflict-avoidant tendencies.

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Puis, en vrac :

▪️ Augmentation du niveau maximum de 80 à 90
▪️ Nouveaux donjons, nouveau raid (Pandæmonium)
▪️ Nouveau mode PvP à petite échelle
▪️ Nouvelles tribus
▪️ Nouveau quartier résidentiel (Ishgard en 6.1)
▪️ Nouvelles menaces (dont Anima de Final Fantasy X)

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since a while now I had this dæmon AU idea for the boys and the new art proved to be the perfect canvas~

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Hello :] spare 2?

I am an artist who is currently working on a cool DSMP AU based on the show His Dark Materials where everyone’s soul manifests as an animal. This animal represents their “inner self” and is called a dæmon. I have more info on my pinned :D

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I have a cool DreamSMP AU on my pinned based on the show His Dark Materials :D basically, everyone has a physical manifestation of their soul that takes the form of an animal. They’re called dæmons and they represent a person’s “inner self” :)

4 12

Ayo!! It is I! I also have a cool DreamSMP AU on my pinned based on the show His Dark Materials :D basically, everyone has a physical manifestation of their soul that takes the form of an animal. They’re called dæmons and they represent a person’s “inner self” :)

8 36

I am Vepkhia!!
I have AU based on a book series & show called His Dark Materials. In the universe, souls manifest as animals called dæmons. Dæmons shapeshift during childhood, but “settle” into one animal in adolescence. A settled dæmon reveals what type of person someone is.

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My His Dark Materials persona, I don’t know her name yet :D she’s a rogue who likes tea 🍵
Her dæmon’s name is Abiu settle as a Saimiri sciureus, he’s a sweet little monkey ~but don’t let him reach your pocket~

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Fuck is it too late? I’ve been working on an AU based on a book series and show called His Dark Materials. In the universe, a person’s soul manifests as an animal called a dæmon. You can read more about it on my pinned!

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Wilbur Soot in the DreamSMP His Dark Materials AU, with his dæmon, Metis. Metis is a magpie dæmon and she embodies Wilbur’s intelligence, creativity, and mystery

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TommyInnit in the DreamSMP His Dark Materials AU, with his dæmon, Tesni. Tesni is a gray wolf dæmon and she embodies Tommy’s passion, bravery, and loyalty.

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If Grief has a Dæmon (like in His Dark Materials) it would be Soul-and-a-Halve😶
2. D: and then he says to him: "Hey, you shit!"
3. We don't agree!!!
4. Zzz

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Another Junkrat Oc, he's name is Janku and he's a dæmon to his human companion Mako. Janku rocks a grunge punk who lurks in shadows

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Revamped my dæmon Junkrat, I call him Janku. Short for Jankurattus

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