Tenim els guanyadors de la IX edició dels Premis 2020.
El dia 5 d'octubre, el jurat reunit per videoconferència, va fer el seu veredicte. Pròximament farem públic els noms dels guardonats. Enhorabona a les Escoles i alumnes participants.

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"Thanks to Studio Ghibli, you can hide piles of laundry and errant messes while videoconferencing from home with one of 400 stills from classic animations." https://t.co/OjC8uUBL6s

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When it comes to spending your marketing budget on video and animation content, we are true believers that storyboarding is an essential part of this pre-production

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Define tu infancia con:
- Una videoconsola
- Una película
- Una serie
- Un deportista (igual os creeis q veía deporte o algo, pos ya os digo yo q no) https://t.co/DmyYOmeyPr

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Define tu infancia con:
-Una videoconsola
-Una película
-Una serie
-Un deportista

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Please enjoy this image from an upcoming video with no context

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Thankfully there is video conferencing on Zoom. This art could be used to advertise Zoom's service.

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Aurora Sky Station 🌞

🦋 House of the winged collector 🦋

This videocollage is now available at 💞


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My student film “Lucky” will be premiering with the festival on June 20th and 21st!

Tune in to their online festival: https://t.co/o5eWd3St9L

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Tebia un poco de tiempo mientras las videoconferencias y he hecho estos Picrews de BeeDee, Ya-Ya y Kwang-soo

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📣 Recordeu que demà tenim una cita! A partir de les 12 del migdia podreu veure i escoltar el sobre l’escriptora i col·leccionista Gertrude Stein, dins del cicle Us esperem! https://t.co/Gb0n4E4WTR

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