I have only recently started playing and already I have grown fond of my characters for this trend.

Art by:

If not for these talented artists to bring my characters to life. I would recommend them .

1 14

For this
I'm Kirsty and I have a dice problem (more dice, not pictured) and seem to love half-elves 🤔

0 10

Late to the train!

I've been playing for about 9 years and DMing for nearly 8! I am also a critter and an artist. The D&D and Critter community is literally the best and has changed my life.

0 13

Hey everyone! I’m Chris (or Kit) and I love DnD! I love its aspect for storytelling and how creative it lets you be and I love all the people it’s brought into my life! I’ve recently started getting into the cosplay side of it as well!

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Hey everyone! It’s Eli Speck, the halfling rouge who’s most expensive thing stolen in my campaign so far has been candy,and my party’s hearts.This is my first campaign,and it’s been a blast,also thanks for for helping me get through my graveyard shifts

1 16

I really don't really take a lot of selfies fjjsjf but uh heres my !!

2 31

I make art, I create things and I've been playing rpgs since I was a teenager. for the queer makers and a big fuck you to those who think games are only for certain people.

1 12

DnD is the only thing I put makeup on for anymore (art of Manon and our scifi crew by my favorite water lover )

1 9

I haven't been playing that long (a year and a bit?) but it's definitely one of the highlights of my week now, and I'm DMing my own homebrew campaign, drawing all the maps and art for it 🌿No pictures of dice but an evening spent making them float was great 😂

0 14

Hi I'm Freddy! Larper, artist, dice hoarder and dnd lover ✌️#DnDselfie

0 7

Well hey there

Been playing for 1.5 years, met some incredible people and love the adventures we have together. Been a barbarian, wizard, rogue, ranger and cleric and am hoping to run my own one-shot!

I have absolutely no idea how I own this many dice

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Hey! My name is Grace (also called Bonsai) and I’ve been playing DnD and DMing for about 2 years now! I love telling stories and DnD has fed my love for video game design too. The community I’ve found and love is irreplaceable. ❤️

2 22

hey here's my ! i'm a baby dm and sometimes-artist 😄 but the wonderful art here is by my friend of my most recently played character, Faith, who is a chaotic good tiefling cleric of Selune 💜✨

2 12

From yours truly♡ I got into DND because of then i made a barbarian, level 18 so far and going strong!

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About a year and a half ago I joined my first campaign and haven’t looked back!

0 16

A late(?) I'm a long-time player dabbling in DMing for the first time, and a dice dragon with a growing hoard who likes drawing elves too much.

DnD lit up a creative spark and allowed me to connect w/ my friends on a deeper level like nothing else I've experienced<3

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I'm a little late but I wanted to contribute to the trend too ☺️ I've made so many wonderful friends through this game, and it makes me happy to see all the other stories from people who feel the same!

1 18

Just started with last year ~ couldn´t help but cosplaying my first creation (a elven druid) and currently playing a Tiefling ranger

1 8

✨ i have so many dnd characters it was hard to pick 2

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