je suis la meuf qui dodo en amphi et qui surligne des synthese toute faite pendant que le/la prof parle ( aussi qui boit des cafes car sinon elle dort)

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-Four more 'photos' to go.
-To be honest Aruru (아루루) looks cooler with his eye patch on.
-I'd imagine Dodo (도도) having a bit of messy hair.

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最後に10分くらい寝落ち( ˘ω˘)スヤァ…(寝落ち分合わせて、ほぼワンドロ)


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💫Stardust Cookie
Posting this here cuz insta’s quality is dodo

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Dodo (Dörte Clara Wolff) (Berlin 1907 - 1998 London) Keine Chance. 1929.

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-Buster Bunny
-Babs Bunny (no relation)
-Hamton J. Pig
-Plucky Duck
-Dizzy Devil
-Gogo Dodo

and now, Elmyra, Furball, and Sweetie Bird.

Who's next?

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Distribution: Mauritius
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-30 years
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: ドードー
Romanised Name: Dōdō
Conservation Status: Extinct
Scientific Name: Raphus cucullatus

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anyone wanna trade art? I want dodo art. I NEED dodo art but I am also saving money rn. Must be willing to show sketches same day as me so we can both get our art around the same time. We can agree on a day via dms.

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書けば出る!!!! ドードーください!!! ドードーホルンください!!! どど……dodo……

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fucked up blasphemy with a soul (thanks resonant) catches attention of one of the twelve (this is how dodo was born)

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It's new art Tuesday and today we have the finished illustration from yesterday's video😲
Dodo Wars: Part Two😲

The war between the Dodos and the Fairies continues...

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