19 and 20- It was my fraternity’s convention weekend, which always gets me all sappy and nostalgic, even if it was virtual this year. The titles are lyrics from my favorite song of ours.

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17- I bought a mini sundae and stuck it in the fridge….then waited too long to eat it. For St Patrick’s I put Hemera in an Irish léine (shirt) and gown with the ends tucked up. 18- I participated in an online pub trivia and did… alright. :’D

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15- Found myself wrapped in a blanket reading fic, ahah. 16- My brother linked me to the Stubbs the Zombie soundtrack, which – save for Ben Kweller’s cover of Lollypop – I had managed to miss all this time? And it’s?? So good????

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11- Had a couple design clients trying to come up with solutions when I knew much easier ones, ahah. 12- It was such a lovely day, but I stayed inside working and missed getting outside until the sunshine was already gone!

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9- Dentist's verdict: most of my mouth’s chronic issues went away because I got my freeloading wisdom teeth out, whaddaya know! 10- Cleaning cleaning cleaning.

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7- Still amazed every time I set the dishwasher running and that’s… all I have to do! 8- Did some work with a hexagon-heavy design. It was actually quite easy and enjoyable, but the title popped into my head and wouldn’t leave, haha.

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5- Bandcamp Friday always goes like this: I fret over not coming up with anything to buy, then suddenly I’ve spent $60 :'D 6- Paraphrasing Robert Burns. I had a plan for everything I was gonna do around the house, but mostly I curled up all day.

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3- Lent an ear to some friends and family’s troubles. 4- I was very sluggish most of the day, then had to scramble! (Don’t think I've seen any tunics with pockets like that on men’s clothing, but I decided I needed it for the pose, so!)

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1- I was very proud of the sauce I’d cooked, and then was very proud of the Tomie-dePaola-lookin’ spaghetti I drew, haha. 2- Among other solutions that day was figuring out I need a worry stone to fidget with sometimes while working.

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Tried to do some self portraits, it didn’t go too well. Then today I went for a walk and it was so NICE and WARM (43°F counts as warm in winter in Maine) that by the end of the walk I’d shucked off all my layers, right down to the tshirt.

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On the 25th I had a lot of Feelings about LGBTQ+ rights, for various reasons. Title from that wonderful normalhoroscopes post on tumblr. And the waning winter has gifted me another sunbeam to bask in!

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Got my new phone started up! It’s so shiny and functional!! Then I had to make some icons at work for subjects that are hard to distill into a tiny picture, it took a lot of thought.

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I can't believe February's over! Here's the rest of this month's pieces!
On the 21st I rearranged my kitchen a little and I had this very odd feeling of being in a new space and being a new person?? The next day I was just real sleepy.

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I FINALLY HAVE A DISHWASHER!! Then I had a quiet day drawing portraits for work, I based the pose off of Mucha's Allegory of Painting. Then yesterday I made banana bread. i AM the banana king!!

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