D.E.B.S. feels like a mid-2000s live action Disney show, but with an actual queer relationship at the middle—it seems like a miracle that it even got made, though the tiny budget is evident throughout. I wanted to like it more but I'm glad it has a cult following anyway.

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Hi I’m Debs I’m an MA student studying illustration, you can the rest of my work here https://t.co/TRjW7Y47ZC it’s a bit Christmas heavy at the moment but keep scrolling there’s more 😊

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ok so i started working on a storyproject set in space since thats something ive wanted to do for a good while. still early in development so my focus, artwise especially, has been on the protag and antag here, debs and terms respectively.

so here they are

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Just quickly dropping this new pic here.
A quick comm from the lovely
Can never have enough Debs! 👁️💜

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Debs is off and running selling this beauty from Jenny Aitken which is now sailing off to new shores. You can see more of her fab work here, tho:

Jenny Aitken

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Debs is firing on all cylinders today. Now this cracker from Andrew Allanson has sold. Hardly surprising, though, a stunning pain ting by anyone's standards. More here, tho:


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Worked on keeping lines a bit rougher for this one and get it done as quick as possible with rough simple colors. Eugene Debs was a good fella

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Aaaaand Debs is at the quarter yard line, selling this astonishingly beautiful Amanda Hoskin. Deborah's making an incredible run for home and it's only lunchtime. More from Amanda here:

Amanda Hoskin art

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That clever Debs. Only back at work after her hols yesterday and sells this cracking Julian Mason. That's what I call galleriestacious! More from Julian coming this week!

Julian Mason Landscape Painter

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One of the cutest moms of the all time <3

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Debs is back in the driving seat with this cracking Andrew Allanson sale. You can see more of that fella's winners right here:

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Debs has just sold this beautiful Ann Kelly of St Anthony. Off to the states, no less. Well done, Debs and Ann!

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I’m Debs a student in Illustration these images are a mix of personal projects and and my Uni stuff.

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Eugene Debs, was the most known socialist in US of his day. He became one after reading socialist literature while serving jail-time for leading the Pullman Strike. Famous for his oratory skills, he ran for US president five times, the last time from prison after opposing WWI.

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Gonna have to get used to it Debs.

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Hey, I’m Debs and...yep. I’m not awkward, you’re awkward!

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