2010 VS 2019

My oldest character that i never share lol. She's gone through a lot of changes over the years-

Here's hoping next time i do this challenge i will be good at backgrounds--

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A ha ha, isn't a thing for me since I only started drawing this time in 2016, but enjoy this little comparison I did anyways! Still have a lot to learn, may the 20's be a time of even more growth! 💖

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My own version for the 💪✍

I'm so proud to show you my own 10 year's evolution ! 💖
YOU can do it too just keep to practice and work and you'll see the improvement ! 💖💕

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2009 vs 2019 self portrait~
(r we still doing this lol??)
10 yrs is a long ass time & i kinda need to have a v long nap to recover from that decade lol 😂

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it’s from 2010/2011 but that’s the oldest piece i could find lol

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i can't go all the way but i can do this - my art in 2011 vs 2019

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2011 vs. 2019
I had a rocky start with digital art ... (And didn't find anything from 2009)

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here we go I still suck at drawing paws 🤣

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Love me an art improvement meme so here’s mine!
2009 was the A level year so basically 90% doodles lol not many finished works I can find
Over the decade, I became more comfy with digital hence the transition to technicolor LOL

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2010 vs 2019.
I quit digital art for almost 5 years from 2013-2018. DnD ignited that drive to draw again and I will be forever thankful. Don't give up. Most of the improvement you see here was made just this year alone. 😊❤

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2010 vs 2019. Not bad for the decade I'd say.

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Redraw ♥
I was super obsessed with bushy eyelashes back then, haha.

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My drawings at the start of the decade vs the end of the decade.

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I started drawing around 2010... So heres OG Mania in the crusty old paper.

Dont give up. Keep drawing!

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Since this is my work computer I can't dig as far as I can at home, but here's 2012 vs. 2018!

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16 year old me vs 26 year old Me

2009 vs. 2019

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