画質 高画質

You are alive, Connor

35 180

Playing detroit become human
In 20 minutes on twitch!

0 2

Some painting and pose practice that got out of hand.🥲

37 141

Guess who painted another magnificent render by . Me. That was me.
This one was really relaxing to draw. And I’m very satisfied with the result💙


26 89

yuppie psycho
detroit become human
(idk I named random games I like)

0 1

Work on the is long, but progressing well. We try to make a product that you can re-read or review every time.

The process is about 85% complete. Very soon you will receive something awesome!

Spoiler from

8 25

🎨Edgard Munch (1863-1944)

Boy in Blue

Detroit Institute of Arts, USA

0 1