May 17, 2015. By: Diancie.C
[11 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Prend un passerouge, fait-le évoluer et prend son dernier stade... Tu trouve mon pokémon vol favoris: Flambusard ‹333"

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OH I FORGOT TO REPLY TO THIS. i've always had a hard time picking mythical pokemon because overall. i just cannot care less about them. but diancie and magearna because i like pretty things.

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Other than Arceus I like a lot of the weirdos. Deoxys is cool, Genesect is underrated, Diancie and Phione both fascinate me for having strange connections to other mons. I like Diancie and Carbink as being little rock guys and Phione as being sterile offshoots of a strange being

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Oct 28, 2014. By: butterpal
[9 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)

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Oct 29, 2014. By: Snowy3
[8 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (US)
"DIANCIE THE QUEEN OF FAIRIES, IS COMPLETE :D.i'll be doing a random free draw next time. Comment pls!"

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May 10, 2015. By: Alpha-Aquali
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Diancie *w*"

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Oct 26, 2014. By: Danrockz20
[2 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"I'm so excited to finally get Diancie tomorrow, so I drew this to show how excited I am!!"

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made this cutie from feral to antro, she's now up for offers if any ones interested

2 6

CARBINK ESTA BN BONITO, tiene una variante más poderosa llamada Diancie :]

0 1

Jul 11, 2015. By: bananaII
[11 Yeahs!] [28 replies] (EU)
"Voici ENFIN mon M-Diancie!!!
J'en suis plutôt content.
Comme d'habitude, combien mettrez-vous /20?"

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Amy spots a new friend in Dewdrop Town's plaza! She seems to be a bit high and mighty...
RTs appreciated! 💚💜

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Aug 03, 2015. By: princesse-coeur
[11 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"ma mega diancie humaine dites vos coms svp"

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Feb 21, 2015. By: Pamela97
[57 Yeahs!] [4 replies] (EU)
"Diancie & Yveltal for my friend Mii ^_^"

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Aww, she is so pretty! She's gonna adventure with Diancie ❤

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Oct 26, 2014. By: caballerodude
[7 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Diancie in Pokémon Amie!"

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