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Thoughts on depression arcs/ downward character spirals?

Not a fan of these (exceptions pictured) especially as recent writers regurgitate diet psych advice like it's profound. It makes me irrationally upset seeing people remark "OMG so-and-so is so broken!" and etc.🧵

0 0

Day 4 - Meet Zack. He has upgraded his diet from brains to souls...because nothing beats good soul-food.

2 19

On diet but bought milktea and felt guilty so ordered half sugar

0 3

Arabian Oryx

Diet: Herbivore
Japanese Name: アラビアオリックス
Romanised Name: Arabia Orikkusu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Distribution: Arabian Peninsula
Scientific Name: Oryx leucoryx

7 16

having a vore diet for a few months definitely packs on the pounds- especially a lot going to those thunder thighs c:

hopefully he doesnt mind the extra heft, although i think thats what he wants~

10 50

This new high-carby diet seems to be all the rage now. I must say, there's nothing like a well-Broiled steak! 🥩

5 14

Gray Wolf

Also known as: Grey Wolf
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Canis lupus
Distribution: North America, Eurasia
Romanised Name: Tairiku Ōkami
Japanese Name: タイリクオオカミ
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-8 Years

16 38

parents made mistake of feeding me normie food instead of diet food so this is very tru lately

2 8

Junko ruined her diet!! (Ko-fi Request)

230 1074


Japanese Name: コアラ
Scientific Name: Phascolarctos cinereus
Diet: Herbivore
Also known as: Koala Bear
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Romanised Name: Koara
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 13 – 18 years
Distribution: Australia

12 30

Tribute to Burt the cat's diet for this morning's warm up!

1 20

「You go on a diet for macarons!」

11 91

🦖 Daily Dino 🦖; Stegoceras validum

From Late Cretaceous Alberta, Canada, Stegoceras is considered a more basal form of pachycephalosaurid. It's assumed that their sharp, serrated teeth were suited for a mixed diet of leaves, seeds, fruit and insects

Credit to the artist

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I'm on diet🔥🔥🔥

0 42

Water Deer

Japanese Name: キバノロ
Romanised Name: Kibanoro
Distribution: Unknown
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Scientific Name: Hydropotes inermis

9 25

diskshop misery 30th
My Meat's Your Poison


●4月25日(火)【LIVE】WARHEAD X ダブプロレス 【DJ】1TS / DJ DIET


開場:18:30 開演 : 19:30

8 43

Wild Bactrian Camel

Distribution: northern China and southern Mongolia.
Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Scientific Name: Camelus ferus
Romanised Name: Futako burakuda
Diet: Herbivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: フタコブラクダ

9 19

Seal Brown Horse

Also known as: Seal Brown Thoroughbred
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Distribution: Unknown
Diet: Herbivore
Romanised Name: ?
Scientific Name: Equus ferus caballus
Japanese Name: ?

11 27

Chestnut Horse

Also known as: Chestnut Thoroughbred
Romanised Name: Sarabureddo Kurige
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Scientific Name: Equus ferus caballus
Distribution: Unknown
Diet: Herbivore
Japanese Name: サラブレッドくりげ

9 22

Snow Leopard

Japanese Name: ユキヒョウ
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Carnivore
Romanised Name: Yukihyō
Scientific Name: Panthera uncia
Distribution: Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 – 18 years

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