Woah okay. I was singing about "mimi" and asked my dad, do you know mimi? And he said "digimon?"


0 0

DigiPoll results
Q: What is your favorite Fusion Form Hybrid Digimon?

🥇Aldamon 34%
🥈Raihimon 17%
🥉Jet Silphymon 15%
4. Beowolfmon 15%
5. Daipenmon 13%
6. Rhino Kabuterimon 6%


23 104

Meme Monday! Them: Digimon? Isn't that about the kid with goggles and a dinosaur. Me: pffffft. Shows what you know. The kid hasn't wore goggles since 2020 bet you feel silly.

3 4

What a pull!
I’ve seen some of the critters from the Devil Children series but I always just assumed they were digimon? I’m sure fans hate to hear that.

He looks like he’d watch you sit on a bench he knows is soaking wet.


1 2

DigiPoll results
Q: What's your favorite Beast Spirit-evolved Hybrid Digimon?

🥇Vritramon 27%
🥈Shutumon 18%
🥉Kaiser Leomon 12%
4. Garummon 9%
5. Bolgmon 9%
6. Blizzarmon 6%
7. Petaldramon 5%
8. Velgrmon 5%
9. Sephirothmon 4%
10. Calamaramon 3%
11. Gigasmon 2%

42 211

DigiPoll results
Q: What's your favorite Human Spirit-evolved Hybrid Digimon?

🥇Agnimon (16%)
🥈Wolfmon (14%)
🥉Ranamon (12%)
4. Duskmon (11%)
5. Fairimon (11%)
6. Löwemon (10%)
7. Blitzmon (8%)
8. Chackmon (8%)
9. Mercuremon (5%)
10. Arbormon (3%)
11. Grottemon (2%)

34 170

Who says you can’t have fun with both your hyper fixations?

Had a train of thought going from “What if Tyranid Tamagotchi” to “What if Tyranid Digimon?”

5 12

Oh I nearly forgot to share it! 👀
With the hype for some Digimon on Friday look at this awesome art I got!
Lopmon is my fav 💙
Who's your favourite Digimon?
🎨 : @/KumoriShouhei

3 43

Digimon???? recently acknowledging Manga XW Digimon?????
It's Less Likely Than You Think

8 47

21 -GulusGammamon
¡¡¿Por qué diablos no lo había puesto hace tiempo a este Digimon?!! Como saben, lo AMO!!.

3 10

commission that came from instagram
The rookie Jawsmon!!!
I loved this rookie because he reminds me of skullsatamon... would it be cool to have an evolutionary line just for a skull digimon?

4 21

DigiPoll What is your favorite Beast Spirit-evolved Hybrid Digimon?


53 318

Here's a philosophy question for my fellow Millennials:
Is Porygon a digimon?

0 0

I really like Kazemon. It's my favorite digimon from Digimon Frontiers but tell me. What are your favorite digimon?
Realmente me gusta Kazemon, es mi digimon favorito de Digimon frontiers, pero cuentenme ¿Cual es su digimon favorito?

12 59

What if Inkh were a... digimon? 🧐

Art by Rollwulf and GrowingDragon (FA) 🎨 Y'all one amazing power artist couple 🥲

33 123

DigiPoll What is your favorite Human Spirit Hybrid Digimon?


58 290

Is it just me, or does it look like a Digimon? It’s still a cool design.

0 5