Happy birthday to Ohtomo Ryuzaburo, the voice of Vamdemon/Venom Vamdemon in Cherubimon in Sethmon & Orgemon in and Deusmon in


50 137

Happy birthday to Toyonaga Toshiyuki (), the voice of Katsura Rei in and Tanaka Aimi (), who voiced Tamada Nozomi in


13 42

Happy birthday to Takahashi Rie (), whose voice roles include Kibayashi Erena and Tutomon in and Shinjo Michi in


8 29

Happy birthday to Nakamura Yuichi (), the voice of Charismon in and Mishima Ryuji in


44 101

Happy birthday to Matsuoka Mayu, the voice of Menoa Bellucci in the upcoming and Ebina Shouta, who voiced Dogamon in


8 32

Happy birthday to Takato Yasuhiro, who voiced Elecmon in both and Gekomon in Gottsumon in Ice Devimon & Fugamon in and Gomimon in


21 71

hey. please accept trans girl katsura rei into your heart. thank you.

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Happy birthday to Yonaga Tsubasa (), the voice of Sakusimon in


10 41

Happy birthday to Murase Ayumu, the voice of Kamishiro Yuugo in (& Hacker's Memory), and Racemon in


9 22


3 10

アプリモンスターズ のエンタモン、モノクロのままUPするつもりだったけどカラフル🌈な方が彼らしいような気がして、色を塗らずにはいられなかったyo

3 8

I still say Haru should be a wizard for Halloween~ revisiting using Walnut ink for underpainting cuz I miss it and love how it looks 💕

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Happy Birthday, Haru~!🎉🎈

A little late, but I really wanted to make this good boy a bday doodle 😊

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Imagine her and veevee in an anime maybe a sequel to appli monsters, where they fight kuwagamon, an apemon, tyrannomon(her old foe), a herd of brachiomon, a group of andromon and a consulmon, do you think Rina's Veemon can digivolve into Magnamon
Insert Break Up

3 6

Was still in a drawing mood, so I went ahead and doodled a Rei for since it's megane day 👓~

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