Happy we are all trying our best never forget that! Also Invisible disability are valid too! 💜🌙

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Happy From your trans boy with Autism and PMDD!!

Don’t let people shame you for what makes you special, you’re different and that’s 1000% okay!! I love every single one of my Boxcutters no matter how different they are!

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Happy btws!! :O

I'm pixiii :D I have autism, adhd, dyslexia, & dyscalculia!!

I do art and love to rant about my special interests & hyperfixations :]

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My name is Savannah and I am a disabled artist. I have epilepsy and art allows me to work from the safety of my home. I draw cute things with good vibes to help people feel happy💜

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HAPPY DISABILITY PRIDE MONTH (july)!💙 disabled people, feel free to promo yourself in replies, i will rt. if you want, you can also share something you want able-bodied people to see, again, i will rt it🎧

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On this I wanna Express something very clear, from an autistic person's perspective.

Disability rep matters. Respectful rep especially. Babs was once a paragon of this. She wasn't in pain, she had a great life (arguably her best) while she was Oracle.

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People with invisible disabilities or illnesses are not 'lying' or 'looking for attention.' End the stigma around invisible illness.

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"When you hear hoofbeats, think horse, not zebra" is a principle taught to medical professionals meaning that the odds are a patient has a more common diagnosis than a rare, improbable one, regardless of their unique symptoms-- (1/8) 🧵

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Today begins

I’ve tried to use my voice and story to help others not give up on their situation.

There are some companies I’d love to work with to help make their products more accessible in the gaming world, or represent companies that do like !

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People with disabilities and long term health conditions are not your 'inspiration’'

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Happy to all our disabled friends, family members and loved ones.

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83% of 's 2021 honorees have a non-visible disability.

Invisible disabilities are not less valid or a lesser form of disability.

And some disabilities also fluctuate in how visible they are.

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Thank you for doing this! I’m Chelsea, a freelance illustrator with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/chronic pain. I enjoy drawing cute and colorful art, especially of cats!

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UPDATE: My latest book 'My Child Has Cerebral Palsy' is in the process of being uploaded and will be available on Amazon next week!! 💚📚 😄

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Last minute drawing for Max has dyslexia and you can pull that out of my cold dead hands 😤

you can also check out my dyslexic Max fanfic https://t.co/W1G0XFXepR

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"Disability pride is a journey & not linear. Everyone has bad days & that is normal."

Mac (he/him) explores what means & shares tips to help disabled young people grow their disability pride.

Read Mac's blog: https://t.co/B38v7lnqO5

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It’s unbearably hot so have some girls on a sleepover 🥵

Throwing in some sapphics this 💕

(and cos I don’t see myself represented so I did it myself)

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I did this months ago and got too scared to post it but I figured now is better than ever so Happy ! 🤟

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