A Sea Hag coven from Emmet Byrne's campaign, The Beast of Bastion Bay

I have a lot of fun drawing dnd tokens lol

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While I go draw some other stuff, here's a Vodren token I made yesterday~💙✨

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A dump of a bunch of roll20 tokens and token commissions ive done in the past little while!

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i have an obsession w drawing dnd tokens for my friends' characters

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my bestest pal requested that i updated our tokens with his temporary character Kuondubh and his fiendish crow pet Nuit

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Making a grid of icons I have made for my current DND campaign.

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progress shots of Finwe! (Whom does not belong to meee)

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Printed Tokens are Back, Baby!
Introducing Tactical Drops!

Limited-time crowdsales of printed tokens. Drop 1 Launches Thursday, October 15th at 9AM ET. Mark your calendars.

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Roll20 token commission for Derek (couldn't find a matching handle). I had a blast drawing it!

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All the art I created for tokens last month!

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Drew up a unicorn token for fun, I’ve kinda been making a lot... I have transparent ones over on my patron! If your into that.

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Here you have the bigger, high resolution version of my last post! Enjoy!

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I'm terrified of change. I'm terrified of what will happen if I stay the same.
2019 -> 2020

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I made these tokens for my canpaign and now that Im done eith thr campaign I can show them off!

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Let's give this a try!
PM me for questions, I'll try to reply within a day or two.
I take payment via PayPal.

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4/6 tokens done!
2 more to go! A nice level 10 gift for my Thursday group. I like drawing tokens/avatar, it's pretty fun.

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