그저 평범하게
"같이 사니까 두송을 매일 볼수있어서 좋다!"
정도의 대화를 할뿐인 단송

35 98


Very much avoiding studying for a Buddhist exam but I drew Leon with more of a mullet and a motorbike because obviously

8 30

*・゜゚・*♡Pinned♡ *・゜゚・*

🧸 Art account (mostly Pokémon)
🧸 DNNZ/NZDN acc:
🧸 Regular doodles/sketches but illustrations every few months

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

4 13

이번엔 오너 체험~!!!!

139 210

옐단 체험ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

131 283

둘다 허리가 이뻐😇💥💥💥💥

10 41

두숑 배틀이나 라이브 격하게 하고나면 목아파서 골골거리나본데.....집에서 단데가 타주는 차나 꿀물 마시면서 쉬었으면...

38 95

단델두송 dnnz
아무리 졸려도 너희 얼굴을 꼭 그리고 자야겠어

44 109


when u stare into each other's eyes and do nothing else

17 39

Piers : Hurry before Marnie comes back!!
Leon : Oh darling, it’s just a kiss. Relax.

Some dnnz scribble?

26 62


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👑||Ilove.. please.. we need more DNNZ love.. donate to your local artist today to do this. 💜

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👑|| Please have DNNZ love. All pictures I will post are commissions that I/my partner got.

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