X-Men Gold Prestige Dark, Part 1!
Astonishing X-Men Until Our Hearts Stop, Part 1!
Weapon X If He Dies, He Dies, Part 1!
HfW: Weapon Lost

4 9

Today: The basics of Anole! Explaining his mutation & the time from his arrival at the school to becoming an X-Man.

9 23

Today: The functionality & extent of Multiple Man’s abilities.

*In honor of the return of Jamie Madrox in Multiple Man out today!

32 57

Today: Cannonball’s time with X-Force + an explanation of his mutant ability!

29 53

Today: Feral’s mutation + her origins with becoming a member of X-Force!

26 55


X-Men Blue The Search For Jimmy Hudson, Part 1!
New Mutants Dead Souls
Old Man Logan Kraven’s Hunt For Logan, Part 1!
Domino Girls, Girls, Girls (?)!

12 20

Today: Rictor’s origins, up to leaving the New Mutants...

*In honor of New Mutants Dead Souls

13 35

Today: An explanation of both Shatterstar & Rictor’s sexuality & relationship together!🏳️‍🌈

19 42

The last 3 pages are absolutely breathtaking I wish this had been a bit longer.

1 9

Today: An explanation of Magneto’s mutation & the extent of his capabilities!

19 50

Today: A look at Anole’s mutation!

With enhanced physical traits & an appearance to match, Anole’s reptilian capabilities include camouflage & regeneration.

16 50

Today: The details of Glob’s mutation & his appearances thus far!

20 46

NCBD!🎉 (Part 1/2)

X-Men Gold ‘Til Death Do Us Part, Part 3!
Legion Trauma, Part 5!
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor

10 15

Today: A look at the history of Madripoor!

*Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor out tomorrow!

13 30