Sale Alert 🔥 • Dippy Poppy Berry Cub bought for 0.03 ETH by Millercow from Dookus_

0 3

Sale Alert 🔥 • Fruity Gorgeous Cherry Cub bought for 0.03 ETH by Millercow from Dookus_

0 2

Sale Alert 🔥 • Cushy Placid Red Cub bought for 0.03 ETH by Millercow from Dookus_

0 2

Sale Alert 🔥 • Boppy Rocky Icey Cub bought for 0.03 ETH by Millercow from Dookus_

0 2

Sale Alert 🔥 • Dowdy Puffy White Bear bought for 0.03 ETH by onoMono from Dookus_

0 2

To Qui-gon, Dooku will always be the trustworthy Master.
To Dooku, Qui-gon will always be the playful Padawan.

56 307

Baby Ahsoka and young Dooku from Tales of the Jedi + Kino Loy and Mon Mothma from Andor

30 144

I have a mighty need to hold him close and not let go. Everybody I commissioned makes him too adorable! I'll need to commission more picture of him, along with a new cutie of a friend for him.

Arts made by: @/CandyKitten11, @/sweetdreamcoffe , @/TDookus and @/NekognitoTab

11 56

made by

vampire count dooku from my AU

commission request made by me .

7 18

Dooku, vampire AU. He surely is. =D

22 103

Sale Alert 🔥 • Taylor B. Gonzalez bought for 0.01 ETH by ApolloTheSleepy from Dookus_

0 2

テイルズ・オブ・ジェダイを観てドゥークーとクワイ=ガンが気になった人にオススメ!「Dooku:Jedi lost」はドゥークーのイニシエイト時代~オーダーを離れるまでの経緯。「Master&Apprentice」はドゥークーとクワイと兄弟子ラエルの師弟について書かれています(他2冊を読むと更に理解が深まります)

3 27

COUNT DOOKU | The Fallen Jedi
Star Wars: Tales Of The Jedi

0 8

C'è del in questo
La sua impronta narrativa scorre potente in ora su antologia animata in 6 episodi sulla scia di metà dedicati a Dooku mentre gli altri si concentrano su Ahsoka 1/2

0 5

Dooku in Tales of the Jedi…idk man something about him was gut wrenching this grandpa can fit so much melancholy and righteous justice in him

14 35

Sale Alert 🔥 • Tenacious Baddy Leopard Cub bought for 0.05 ETH by Dookus_ from Ibizacanwait

0 5