Day 11 of Drawtober. Had no motivation to do a proper illustration but here’s a quick drawing of Mama Raikou

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Another doodle-y day for I know it may not be the prettiest stuff to look at but I'm kind of enjoying just being able to mess around for practice purposes and then share my sketches here.

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A spooky for 's This week's theme was I cant wait for next week's theme!

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Day 7 & 8 of drawtober. How’s everyone enjoying drawtober this year? 🥰

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An easygoing doodle for Coffee is the fuel to my day.

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Carvings - First prompt of Drawtober. I love playing around with textures 🧡

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Day 2 of Drawtober.. Brent! His best friend is a ghost with a cool hat, so he wanted to be one too! Who better than giant Stay Puft?⁠

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Henlo there! Here it is!! my first october drawing! This one is "Moon", from I will try to complete the challenge this month but, at the same time i will be gentle with myself! (+)

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Annnnd she done
I'm not sure what to do for ink/drawtober. I thought about monsters, but now I'm thinking backgrounds as an excuse to practice.

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Does he want to play fetch? Or eat you? It would probably be better to find out sooner rather than later. Try throwing him this bone🦴

Welcome to this year's Drawtober. As usual, no themes, no preplanned days, just lots of fun and spooky creatures and people!

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"When you're feeling unsure or alone, just hold the necklace and think of me." A doodle of Keila for Day 1 of

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It’s October!! 🖤✨🎃 so you know what that’s that time of year where we kill ourselves trying to create 31 drawings for the month. I’ll be doing missfrem drawtober. Today’s prompt is “SPELL” stay tuned to see lots of illustrations of witches and animals!

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I definitely won't be doing a drawing a day, but I wanted to try my hand at some monster drawings for


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¡Bocetos rápidos! Estoy probando experimentos raros con mi técnica para hacer las ilustraciones más rápidas. La idea es conseguir un proceso más veloz para intentar el reto Pero con mi otro trabajo lo veo difícil 😅

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I love kitty girls with face stripes

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This is Rou who I made 8 years ago and is the name sake of my username 💙💙

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I needed to draw my gay fantasy at least once

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Day 26 [Mermaid] and the highlight of this first Drawtober. I’ve been trialing CSP and that vector eraser is 👌🏾for my lineart. It looks a lot better now—!!

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