🇬🇧 A drawing about E-Man, and who is Eman? well just Eman knows who is Eman... but what I do know is that it makes some groovy models.

Character by (except goomba of course)

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On a further note: This will come the exact day of my drawing anniversary (I have been drawing for 10 years I know) and will be associated as a "eman's 10 Years" Event.

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was doing some color experimenting and?? Marcus with blue hair is cute
we'll keep his grey-blond hair in canon but in modern AUs? heck yeah.. pretty blue hair. be the eboy(eman?) you've always been in your heart, Marcus

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Real OC's made by me. Took awhile preparing minor detail (sort of). _Bear/_Kraken/_Eman/_Lenox.

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New year, new avatar. (Well, not really.)

Fun fact: this mushroom is the first pixel-art monster I drew and animated (walk cycle) completely on my own for Eman Quest; without modifying someone else's art.

Good times.

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gabut dan keterusan (dalem hati eman kalo ngga di terusin gitu)

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When Eman fights, she summons a beast called Sahib to help her in battle.

عند محاربة الجن، تنادي إيمان الوحش الخارق 'صاحب' لكي يساندها ضد الأعداء

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aslinya emang doodle buat warm up, cuma rasanya eman kalo gak tak terusin hehehe

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In stores now DARKWATCHERS featuring Gretel from . Gretel and Calabar are on the hunt for a weather witch but darker forces are lurking. Make sure to pick up your copy for Interiors by Donny Hadiwidjaja, Allan Otero, Eman Casallos, and Guillermo Fajardo.##comics

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Usurbilen Nahi Ditugu elkarguneak bere ibilbidea amaitutzat eman du eta hemendik aurrerra lekukoa Usurbilgo Sarek hartuko du https://t.co/uhOkKRx3xD

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ERRIA aldizkarirako egindako azkenak.
- Lurralde berrira abaildu gara.
- Muxu eman nahi dizut tabernako terrazan.
- Zainduko bagaituzte...

Eduki guztiak

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Hinata TF commission for Eman230 on Furaffinity!

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Adi Usurbildarrok!
Urriak 22an, 19:00etan, Sutegi liburutegian, Yurre Ugarte eta bion Joana Maiz komikia izango dugu mintzagai.
Komikiak jada eskuragarri dituzte Liburutegian; saioan parte hartzeko aldez aurretik izena eman behar da Liburutegian bertan. Animatu!

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klo menyerah nanti zoom ke ch'en aj deh macem gini wqwq sketch chennya dah jd bagus eman klo mau dicancel semua

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This is my friend Eman, I really miss him so I drew him! Everyone say Hi Eman on

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