画質 高画質

And one else is lucky that CPT didn't win the revolution war or my country wouldn't have like these 80s 90s songs for me to listen

1 3

This thing and its evolution have only been native in Unovan LOL

0 32

The Pokemon Research Program you volunteered for caught your interest because you knew it had something to do with the shinx evolution line, but you being the research topic was the last thing you could've anticipated.

467 2797

The Evolution of A Pomudachi

This is how they look right?

15 205

Ronimph's evolution, Mushisashi! Bug/Fighting
Fakemon/fan Pokemon based on samurai and dragonflies.

287 2426

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Hoohoo’s self confidence evolution💥💥
(also year 1 - 4 in university)
The background is inaccurate tho because I rarely go outside unless for uni purposes💀💀 https://t.co/tO0Kj7LIpu

0 8

Smoliv evolution line but always smol 🫴🫒

46 168

4 years ago i made this and who knew that 'til now, Applin would have such a presence in the community to the point that it got a new evolution, which is also reportedly evolving again HAHA

2 43

Dance Dance Revolution A3にて、DDR GPと連動で先行解禁だった「スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時」が誰でも遊べるようになったみたいです!(しかもムービー付
是非みんなでアタイの足技見さらせや~!して下さい!! https://t.co/J5y93AZydB

54 262

一年前、11月28日香港で白紙革命の抗議運動をしている中國人が、献花と白紙運動を続ける中、抗議に参加した  が愛國中國人に暴行された。

46 60

今日夢見たんです。THE ALFEE武道館、チケット取れないから外で聴いてたんです。「FLOWER REVOLUTION」とか。なんか近隣施設で「魔法少女まどか⭐️マギカ展」やってて衣装とか展示してあんの。ああ、高見沢さん、まどかの衣装着たら似合うのに。とかそんな夢。


0 2

aspiring to become a history teacher so i can teach kids the evolution of the DEYQ artstyle (2021-2023)

182 2818

画業10年の集大成な一冊となります!ご興味ある方は是非!!… https://t.co/1vlCbC5kZ3

1150 3839

Another 'simple' Digimon fakemon, and another Snimon evolution! Two colours cause I couldn't decide.
AssasSnimon Ultimate/Mega Cyborg Insect

140 958

my sona evolution 🫣🤡

not included are the 4 models associated with 2021 and the the drawn model for march 2023

31 355


21 114

Artists, show me your most popular piece!
He seems to have been the most popular, although he drew several other evolutions of the original. https://t.co/6aRAdu6DQ5

110 1127