After Seeing STR Cooler's EZA, I have faith.

0 3

STR Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler EZA Event {Global} [THREAD]

1 40

My Data Achievement Banner: EZA Event DDL 9-21-22 {Cooler, Global} [THREAD]

0 17

My Data Achievement Banner: EZA Event DDL 9-20-22 {Cooler, Metal Cooler, JP} [THREAD]

3 53

A good EZA for them, please 😭

49 1339

I like his unique SA, but 40% is too low imo. Can’t wait for his EZA though!

0 36

59 Gamers! We wanna know how you think Dokkan should handle the HIGHLY anticipated EZA of STR Cooler. Leave your submissions in the form below!

9 93

EZA STR Cooler will be giving full 170% to transformation boost and terrifying conquers which means this duo will have a spot again.

47 859

So I heard STR Cooler is getting an EZA

1 80

Watch them all eza in 1 whole celebration

8 221

Average dokkan players designing an EZA

67 1588

EZA Concepts for LR Boujack (Galactic Warriors) + the current Full Power Boujacks

0 1

IMO Part 3
cyclopian guard awakening
cyclops + metal coolers EZArea

STR Cooler eza + icarus gohan and salza sub eza

21 470

AGL Fusion with the Big Gete Star Metal Cooler EZA Event {Global} [THREAD]

2 33

My Data Achievement Banner: EZA Event DDL 9-8-22 {Metal Cooler, Global} [THREAD]

0 16

AGL Fusion with the Big Gete Star Metal Cooler EZA Event {JP} [THREAD]

3 39

My Data Achievement Banner: EZA Event DDL 9-7-22 {Metal Cooler, JP} [THREAD]

0 23