habit doodles for you today from ur favourite aka zai


7 22

2 posts 1 day?? impossible!


2 19

// blood , knife

guys,, i had to take one for the team no one has made among us x slenderverse art so i will,, yes yes i hate me too


4 31


// My favourite trio; me, my partner, and my crazy knife friend


22 76

// blood

habit doodles my beloved i am sorry for not posting alot

10 34

*sigh* i miss my wife, tails
eheem. anyone ever watched . i miss it a lot anyways here’s a oldish HABIT drawing

1 4

he do a bit of trolling


12 43

incorrect quotes of my favourites!!
posting this here instead of main as a gift for y'all :pray:


23 47


// Habit art for the masses *chucks this out my window for the vultures*


22 43

// blood
habit art that i was gonna fully render and stuff but got lazy to <3333


11 30

axolotl habit :DDDD


6 17

“What do I want? Nothing... I want your flesh, and I want your bones, and I want 'em right here. I want you...”

6 10

please consider it
thank you

(#everymanhybrid) https://t.co/YFnduB8BzL

6 21


2 4

// blood , knife , spider (? idk i'll add it incase)

habit art? you know it


12 28

double slenderverse doodles for today bois o7 you're welcome

11 30