Ai Eilis:
A meek girl who was attacked by demons making her unlock a Soul Skill after being saved by a strange and rude boy. Having been severely ill until recent she isnt able to exert much energy despite this she tries aiding whenever possible as to not feel a burden.

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Fisk is a chronically ill amphibious alien, came to earth to receive medical treatment but finds the conditions anywhere off the coast somewhat unbearable. prone to both over-exerting themselves and overconfidence.

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Princess Hao is the prettiest princess in universe. Look at her exerting the spoiled princess energy lmao

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Don't over exert yourself! If you need to rest and recharge do it. Gotta take care of yourself first✨

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Shinji looks like a titan in this one LOL. Anyways, my post schedule will be every Monday and Friday. Right now, I'm just trying to stay consistent and not overexert myself. So yea, enjoy this one yall and take care and have a nice rest of the day

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That’s fair. Just make sure you’re not over exerting yourself!!

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My support for you is never-ending. The thrill and effort you get and exert in tennis will one day come back as something of greater value. Enjoy and がんばって, Fuji! Always my number 1.❣️

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"What did I tell you about overexerting yourself?"

"Hahaaa.... Everything was just fine, until it wasn't--"

12 17

. , I will exert violence on you for this!!! 😠

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lmfao is this a reference to the fact that morbidly obese people float in water pffhahaha

i know this because i argued with a furry about it and they showed me this image of Israel Kamakawiwoʻole (RIP)

apparently it gets easier and easier to stay afloat until no exertion at all

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Type-Trauma if you'd like, but please don't overexert yourself ^w^

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Updated it, because og ver looks kinda plain n flat overall, lacking some dynamics n exertion of dominance

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even though he's super patient, once he gets into a fight he tends to use brute force rather than play smart because he enjoys exertion and can't resist being rough. as he grew older he learned the tactical value of restraint, but the feral still slips out sometimes

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Bonus lighting with the smoke that comes out of her collar if she exerts too much energy

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Whoa :00
I've had a similar idea but I've never considered it being a concept of asthma!
Two of my ocs have that melt idea where one, like Gobo has, melts when she overexerts herself too much with similar effects!
Your concept goes into a lot of detail too, i love it a lot!! :D

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sOME leSSONs tom learNt:

bE YoUrsELF. YOU'lL EvEnTUaLlY find PEoPlE LiKe yOu.

dON't cHange yoUrself juSt To FIt IN. WhAT'S ODd TO ThEm, dOEsn'T NEed To be ODD FOr You.

alWaYs asK FOR HeLp. thErE's No nEeD tO tRY AnD eXert OUrsELveS ESPEciAlLy WheN HeLP IS aVAILABLe.

108 313


あなたのサークル「ExertionGame」は、コミックマーケット100で「土曜日西地区 "さ " 13b」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてサークル情報ページ公開中です!

4 1

Do you think you're in any shape to be over-exerting yourself? 😡

2 19

If Seele was able to exert enough honkai energy to trigger an alarm, she probably has more that 1,000 honkai watts (the amount needed to trigger Herrscher) inside.

I believe Veliona is the one fighting off the will of the Honkai. She knows fair well Seele would give in easily.

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