I wonder where these fine, fashionable, fuchsia flower fairies are floating off to today?

(I was inspired by some 18th-century fashion art I came across featuring fancy ladies in big, poofy dresses!)

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The Court of Faerie by Thomas Maybank, English (1869-1929)

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Illustrations from the rare and beautiful "Babes in Wood" 1890s edition (credit: the Baldwin Library)

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Hamsilere binip Karadeniz’de doğalgaz arayan peri ilustrasyonu
-Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

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I photographed this little fairy resting among the ferns many years ago. (2006)
✨-She still has this same sparkle-✨


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I wonder where these fashionably fine, fanciful, floating, fuchsia flower fairies are flying?

-I was inspired by some 18th-century art I came across featuring fancy ladies in big poofy dresses!

(Having a little fun today! by Me!)

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Haven't posted for for months!Here's a I drew this week for my coloring book (available September). I colored her digitally...the book isn't printed yet and my printer paper just doesn't do colored pencils justice.

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Happy Friday fellow tweeters, I hope you have a lovely day whatever you get up to 😊💜🕊

Fairies looking through a Gothic Arch ~ John Anster Fitzgerald

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Good morning fellow tweeters, I wish you a happy day 😊💜🕊

Art by Brian Froud

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The world is very old, and sometimes sad,
But when the daisies come, the world is glad.
The world is very old, but every Spring
It groweth young again, and fairies sing.
~ Cicely Mary Barker

Good morning everyone, have a good day

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Good morning everyone, happy day to you all 😊💜🕊

Art by Helen Jacobs

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Let Round Two BEGIN! First out of the pencil was Tinkerbell. She is my favourite sassy pixie and the character that inspired me to draw and collect fairy art.

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“Nothing was so likely to do her good as a little quiet cheerfulness at home.” ~ Jane Austen

🎨 by Peg Maltby

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Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope. And as long as there is hope, there's joy in living ...
~ author unknown

🎨 Margaret Tarrant

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🐦 The Realm of Fairy is a strange shadow land, lying just beyond the fields we know. 🌈🧚‍♂️

🎨 Lynne Bellchamber

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“Don't you know that everybody's got a Fairyland of their own?” ~ P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins ✨

🎨 Thomas Kinkade

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Here is some old work of mine for Perna Studio from 2016 cuz it’s Friday for 2016年にペルナスタジオのベースカードに描いた水彩の妖精さん。#水彩画

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Good morning all and happy Friday! I hope you have a lovely day whatever you get up to 👍😊🕊

🎨 Cicely Mary Barker

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Good morning fellow tweeters and happy day to you 😊🍁🕊

Margaret Tarrant, illustrator

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