New paintings of the fantastic beasts in the movie Fantasic Beasts! The new Asian beast looks fun and I like what Newt did to him/her.

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Be a part of me...

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영화 개봉까지 70일 남은 기념으로 베이비 니플러를 그려봤어요~😉

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I was among those who didn’t like Johnny Depp at first, but he looks so badass in the trailer, that i’m exited to see more of him in the movie!

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It’s been ages since I last drew Credence...... 🍄

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혹시 신동사2 영상 속 신비한 동물들 아시는분 있을까요? Mooncalf를 제외하곤 낯선 아이들이더라구요. 머리에 난 털이 Fwooper랑 비슷해보이긴하는데 털색이나 크기가 달라서 전혀 다른새종류같기도 하고🤔가운데 동물의 뿔모양은 다르지만 Re’Em이 아닐까 조심스레 추측해봅니다.

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明日 『 ファンタスティック・ビーストと黒い魔法使いの誕生』の予告編が公開されますね!

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