Did I do this right, choose the four films that inspire me the most? Cause that is what I did :)

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why do we only get 4????? my theme is magic, surrealism, n cats!!!

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so many movies but these stood out

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I had trouble deciding... but off the top of my head these either influenced style or stories of mine.

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Films I grew up on (except The Help)

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Sailor Moon R the Movie: Promise of the Rose
Spirited Away
The Sound of Music
Your Name

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it's mostly animation but I can't say I don't go a month without quoting Ghostbusters.

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All of these films are absolutely riveting. Scott Pilgrim is references done right, Mononoke is a "neutral" view of an argument on environmentalism, Roger Rabbit is a superbly fun detective film w/incredible animation. Fury Road is action film perfection.

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Here's four of my favorite movies! Check them out!

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Always hard to choose 4 movis but I think this define my the best : The King and the Mockingbird, Little Miss Sunshine, Spirited away and The Lord of the ring.

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These plus about 30 honorable mentions. It's always hard to pick...

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My ! The Fall, In Bruges, Pride & Prejudice and Prince of Egypt.

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Animated. Spirited Away - Iron Giant - Lilo & Stitch - James and the Giant Peach.

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surprisingly difficult, Robin Hood was a lock though:)

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Not 100% my top four, but big ones for me growing up.

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