Heute gibt's beim "täglichen Ariol" eine Story für geplagte Home-Office-Eltern. Sehnt ihr euch schon alle nach dem Büro? ("Nicht gerade groß ...") https://t.co/dRETpBZPiR

3 10

Earth chan trying her best to flatten her curves - help her and stay the f*ck at home! 🌎

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„Richtige Geste, aber keine Lösung:
Söder will Pflegekräften Bonus von 500 Euro zahlen“

3 7

Just wanted 2 take a moment 2 say 2 everyone who is doing their part 2 & we can get thru this together by not being together, , being kind 2 each other, and spreading love - it’s the Bklyn way!

0 0

Bedrohung kommt langsam bei Bevölkerung an“

1 6

The COAF community is caring and talented. Are you looking for masks? Want to help make masks and other desperately-needed surgical garbs for medical professionals? Have extras for other essential workers? We've compiled info + resources. https://t.co/Pfgj5XRvY3

5 12

Just a small token of appreciation for all the essential workers working to keep us all safe,healthy & happy. My family & I are immensely grateful.

138 181

Just picked up this big stack of 9”x12” clear PET-G sheets to be used in fabricating face shields. the Pastic Factory, Bridgeport CT.

2 13

„„Kein gutes Signal“:
Sinn und Unsinn von Schutzmasken gegen das Coronavirus“

3 6

When Hogwarts is under lockdown, the house-elves, caretaker, and gamekeeper are still doing their jobs. Remember to thank them!
by Naomi Lord https://t.co/zqpozMykXr

5 40

Anyone else getting more domesticated? I haven’t cooked this much consecutively in years. I’m even baking to reduce waste!

0 3

„Corona-Folgen für beiden Fußball-Ligen:
Keine Spiele bis 30. April – mindestens“

43 104

One day we all will have our stories to tell.The story of those who stayed at home💚#StayHomeSaveLives

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