He had a feeling they were about to see something very special. But nothing could have prepared him for ... this special moment.

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Nº 1397 Theme: Path. The Pathfinders saw to the safe travels through the forrest of BadgerAcres. If the rumors were true and the crystals failed, they would need to negotiate the passage of the entire kingdom.

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I scribbled something for today's promt SECRET in university and just did a fast watercolor coloring so that I can upload it in time 😊

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Folktale Week Day 1: Home. The tale of little Pellyn in the forest https://t.co/M7yJccV3ut

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The white maiden of Rhede Castle
A beautiful and proud maiden secretly daited two brother at once and told them, the first who would ring the new years bell, would become her husband. Only then did they find out about the other... -->

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That morning she understood it was time to run away.

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Illustration for - Secret.
Again, very much using the prompts to create my own stories.

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Enjoying lovely works for Here is my day 2 : Secret. It's a story about a prince who didn't know he has donkey ears until the barber took his royal hat off. The king made the barber keep the secret but you know there are no secrets in this world :)

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Day 2 of with 'Secret' as prompt here's Witch Bottle by - an imagining of an ill-wishing witch caught in a bottle hidden under a threshold. Oil painting on burr wood.
Prints from https://t.co/3mKh2cXnz4

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day 2 (The most interesting part is at the end)

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Folktale week day 1: home..... this is the tale of How The Kangaroo Got Her Pouch 🦘🇦🇺

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I didn't know that there is a and I like the idea a lot! I don't know if I will be able to post every day but I really like the concept of this week so let's see what's going to happen 😁
Today's prompt is HOME... How do you like my house? 😊

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starts today! Here's my for the prompt "home", inspired by microscopic coastal worlds and sea shrapnel. My illustrations will be a series of 7 to tell a story.

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