Bought my on reveal and haven’t looked back since. Let’s show Twitter that has the best community out there!

39 119

I love every fiend but this lumberjack gang is my fave cause it’s my first and 👀💯

47 89

If you want incredible love and respect, the solution is very simple, buy a Feline and share it on Twitter.

48 145

once a fangster always a fangster🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

58 148

Bought my girl this so she knows it’s real.

51 158

GM ✌🏽rise and shine 😊 the ain’t over yet 📈📈📈

34 100

You already know it’s my just peep the PFP 🤷🏼‍♂️

46 145

This is my it’s my profile pic and my first NFT has the strongest community, felt like family since day 1💯

58 193

So is the community not seeing 👀👀 my ???🤷🤔

68 228

Will bring this one to the grave with me!

44 141

I bought this cat for 0.055 ether, and although the base floor 0.75 ether, I didn't sell it because you know the thing.

34 101

Web 2 me vs web 3 me!

Also my in the background 😉

19 85