Is time to embrace our planet, because there's not planet B. Let's be conscious about the climate change: is urgent and necessary. 
every day ✊💚

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i hope she can get this 4 panels cartoon with english!
s'il vous plaît!

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FREE SIGNED POSTCARD! This Fri 9/27 tag me in a photo of you striking/marching for climate justice + I'll send a free signed postcard. Visit for strikes/marches near you.

1 9

„Klima-Ergebnisse der Bundesregierung:
Päckchen statt Paket“

10 20

How could today’s fail to inspire!? should be very, very proud. Let’s hope the powers that be are listening.

1 7

Well today's been inspiring! Good job everyone that was out in the streets today. I'm still sad I couldn't join, but I joined in spirit! ✊

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Re-posting our illustrated in solidarity with today's
Let's see some real action taken by world leaders!!

0 19

Here’s the final version
Follow this link for the high res print file (up to 18x24” at excellent quality):

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„CDU will Klimakonzept beschließen:
Von teureren Inlandsflügen bis zur Baumprämie“

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