Just realized that Alice Neel's Thanksgiving turkey most reminds me of the naked, imploring figures in Théodore Géricault's iconic Raft of the Medusa

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Fu nel silenzio
un turbine, grandine nera
dentro il pozzo
degli occhi,
che la carrucola
del sogno inatteso
non giunse a soccorrere.
- Arrigo Boito

The Tempest
Théodore Géricault

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"Die Kunstgalerie" - VII
En "La balsa de la Medusa" por 2009 y 28/6/15

➕#humor s/ cuadro Géricault

entrega previa

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Oeuvre affiche Théodore Géricault de l'Artiste Michel Boettcher... : https://t.co/scSSwIqgcD

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In a dark landscape, the wounded Cuirassier flees the battle, going down a slope with his horse. This is how French painter Théodore Géricault (born 1791) represents the debacle of the Napoleonic armies against the coalition during the campaign in France in 1814.

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➤ La aterradora historia detrás de “La Balsa de la Medusa”, Théodore Géricault, 1819 ,
… “Todo empezó en 1815 cuando el rey Luis XVIII envió una flota naval, incluyendo el gran barco Medusa, a Senegal para reclamar la tierra de Gran Bretaña”
🧶 /FIN

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Théodore Géricault a un talent fou pour peindre et sculpter les chevaux 🤍

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Boxers, an 1818 work by French artist Théodore Géricault

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Dans un autre registre, les Beaux-Arts exposent "Le dessin romantique, de Géricault à Victor Hugo". Des thèmes comme la mort et Eros, le gothique, la nature exacerbent le propos via une trentaine d’œuvres travaillées au graphite, à la plume, à l’aquarelle. https://t.co/TZ67FtjmMP

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This is what Muybridge first made visible through his inventive genius.
Before that, humans painted unrealistic depictions of horses in motion. Like Géricault here:

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Géricault's Horseman and David's Coronation (), Chabord's Napoleon at Wagram () and Lawrence's Wellington ().

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On this 200th anniversary of Napoleon's death let us give pause & contemplation to the elegant af uniforms he made his soldiers wear. Velvet trousers? Red lined cape matching under-armour, different polishes of metal - the fashion detail!

Géricault, Wounded Cuirassier, 1814

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